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Runs和Arps管弦乐 – Red Room Audio Palette BP03 Runs And Arps v1 2 KONTAKT-EXPANSION


可用的最完整的管弦乐演奏和arps库!同时具有弦乐和木管乐器合奏,以6种常见模式演奏音阶,每种模式最多可进行13种变化,外加20种琶音。总共超过1600个未编写脚本的真实记录短语! 3个麦克风位置,一个8插槽板载FX机架以及拖放MIDI数据。 Kontakt Player和NKS兼容。现在更新至v 1.2!

这里有很多内容,因此为了使内容更易于访问,我们将其分为多个产品。第一个是“ Palette – Symphonic Sketchpad”,其中包含构建基块,可快速轻松地将您的电影创意变为现实。然后,为了为您的构图添加细节和色彩,我们将其他工具集(称为“画笔包”)组合在一起。这些画笔包不需要您拥有Symphonic Sketchpad,而是专注于更深入,更具体的计分元素,例如管弦乐队FX,打击乐循环或真正的连奏旋律合奏。这种模块化方法使您有机会选择想要的工具,而不是不需要的工具。由于所有调色板乐器都是由相同的制作团队和相同的音乐家在同一个大厅录制的,因此它们可以完美地互补。

“ Palette – Runs&Arps”是有史以来最深入的虚拟乐器,用于真实录制(未编写脚本)的管弦音阶和琶音。我们认为,捕捉到这些独特发音的情感和细微差别,没有比记录它们的完整记录更好的方法了,而不是试图将样本巧妙地结合起来以制造人造短语。因此,我们加倍努力,以6种主要模式(大调,自然小调,和声小调,旋律小调,全音调和音色)记录了弦乐和木管乐器合奏的音阶,每个音调都有13种变化。还有4种模式的20种琶音-大,小,减和增高。每次跑步/琶音都有2个循环,可以在每个按键中进行,并且可以与主持人的节奏同步。 “ Palette – Runs and Arps”总共包括1600多场表演!

现代且易于使用的GUI始终显示当前运行/琶音的符号,因此您可以准确地直观了解乐团在做什么。对于打算将完成的乐谱交付给乐队的作曲家,我们还提供了将MIDI数据拖放到DAW的功能。您还可以使用它轻松地将演奏与其他样本分层。我们添加了一些方便的设置功能,例如Downbeat Sync,可确保性能的最终音符始终落在下一个小节的计数1上。速度控件可让您同步到主机速度或手动设置BPM。 “ In Quantize”旋钮将演奏的开始量化为您选择的音符值。还有一个功能强大的8槽FX机架,您可以从中选择19种高质量FX。

与整个Palette系列一样,我们的演奏者被记录在标准管弦乐队的坐姿中,并具有3个麦克风视角–靠近,decca树和大厅。房间宽敞但相当干燥,尾巴只有1.2秒,可以使用自己喜欢的混响轻松与其他库进行混音,因此您不仅限于一个特定大厅的声音。由于“ Palette – Runs&Arps”是由同一位杰出的音乐家和制作团队在同一音乐厅和同一厅中录制的,因此它被设计为与所有其他Palette库完美融合。

2.2 GB内容/ 4,812个样本(24位/44.1 kHz NCW)
与免费的Kontakt Player一起使用
完全兼容NKS(Komplete Kontrol和Maschine)

NI Kontakt或Kontakt Player,版本5.6.8或更高版本
3 GB磁盘空间
2 GB RAM(建议4 GB)



The most complete orchestral runs & arps library available! Features both strings and woodwinds ensembles performing scales in 6 common modes, each with up to 13 variations, plus 20 kinds of arpeggios. Over 1600 unscripted, real recorded phrases in total! 3 microphone positions, an 8-slot onboard FX rack and drag and drop MIDI data. Kontakt Player and NKS compatible. Now updated to v 1.2!

Palette is a series of thematic professional orchestral and cinematic Kontakt virtual instruments for songwriters and media composers. It was recorded in a dedicated hall with world-renowned performers by a passionate and experienced team of sample makers. It was a dream come true for us to make and we hope this expansive set of scoring tools inspires you to write some great music.
There’s an awful lot of content here, so to make things more accessible we divided it into multiple products. The first is “Palette – Symphonic Sketchpad,” which contains the building blocks to quickly and easily bring your cinematic ideas to life. Then, to add detail and color to your compositions we’ve put together additional tool sets we call “Brush Packs.” These brush packs do not require that you own Symphonic Sketchpad, but focus on deeper and more specific scoring elements like orchestral FX, percussion loops or true-legato melodic ensembles. This modular approach allows you the opportunity to pick up the tools you want and not the ones you don’t. Since all Palette instruments were recorded in the same hall by the same production team and the same musicians, they complement each other perfectly.

“Palette – Runs & Arps” is the most in-depth virtual instrument for real recorded (not scripted) orchestral scales and arpeggios ever assembled. We felt there was simply no better way to capture the emotion and subtle nuances of these unique articulations than to record them in their entirety, versus trying to cleverly combine samples to produce artificial phrases. Therefore we went the extra mile and recorded both strings and woodwinds ensembles playing scales in 6 primary modes – Major, Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor, Whole Tone and Chromatic – each with up to 13 variations. There are also 20 kinds of arpeggios in 4 modes – Major, Minor, Diminished and Augmented. Every run/arp has 2 round robins and can be performed in every key and can sync to your host’s tempo. In total, “Palette – Runs & Arps” includes over 1600 performances!

The modern and easy-to-use GUI always displays the notation for the current run/arp so you can visualize exactly what the orchestra is doing. For composers creating mockups who plan to deliver finished scores to an orchestra, we’ve also included the ability to drag and drop MIDI data for every performance to your DAW. You could also use this to easily layer the performances with other samples. We’ve added several convenient Settings features like Downbeat Sync, which ensures that the final note of the performance always lands on count 1 of the next measure. Tempo controls allow you to sync to your host tempo or set the BPM manually. The “In Quantize” knob quantizes the start of the performance to the note value of your choice. There’s also a powerful 8-slot FX rack where you can select from 19 high quality FX.

As with the entire Palette line, our players were recorded in standard orchestral seating position with 3 microphone perspectives – close, decca tree and hall. The room is spacious but fairly dry, with only a 1.2 second tail, which allows for easy blending with other libraries using your favorite reverbs, so you’re not limited to the sound of one particular hall. Since “Palette – Runs & Arps” was recorded by the same amazing musicians and production team with the same equipment and in the same hall, it was designed to blend perfectly with all the other Palette libraries.

Orchestral Strings and Woodwinds performing scales and arpeggios
Scales in 6 common modes, each with up to 13 variations, plus 20 kinds of arpeggios
Real, unscripted recordings – over 2400 phrases in total
All content syncs to host tempo
Visual notation plus drag and drop MIDI data
Recorded in a fairly dry hall by some of Europe’s finest professional musicians
3 microphone positions
Modern, easy to use GUI with onboard FX rack
2.2 GB of content / 4,812 samples (24 bit/44.1 kHz NCW)
Works with the free Kontakt Player
Full NKS compatibility (Komplete Kontrol and Maschine)

NI Kontakt or Kontakt Player, version 5.6.8 or above
3 GB disk space
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
2008 or later processor. Your system must also meet the requirements for version 5.6.8 of Kontakt. If you cannot run that version, you will not be able to load this library.

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