介绍世界愤怒:你的护照到一个鼓舞人心的调色板的世界乐器和声音从世界各地捕获。这个冒险的集合是由WORLD AI的创意动画工具衍生和推动的,从全球音色和效果处理的融合中召唤出富有想象力和精致的预设。我们剥离了WORLD AI的序列层,以发现隐藏在动作之下的珍贵文化声音。建立在这个真实的本土内容上升到虚拟仪器的Kontakt引擎的新世界。WORLD FURY模糊了传统乐器和现代声音设计之间的界限,以提供变革性的世界声音,所有有机调制。每个声音都有创造性的效果和合成的触摸变形。这380个智能设计的多采样仪器和预设是您环球旅行冒险的起点。每一个利用WORLD FURY的高效和易于使用的引擎,调整和转换熟悉的声音变成闻所未闻的纹理时刻。现在你可以将现实世界的有机表演与你个人的创造性结合起来。
为了捕捉真实文化和民族的精髓,我们在全球范围内搜寻稀有和不寻常的乐器和人声,以构建这个非凡收藏的灵魂。我们详尽的使命使我们的精品乐器,在那里我们精心记录的表演与真实的人性爆发,带来细微差别和性格的每一个样本。我们的折衷阵容鼓舞人心的乐器包括签名声音很少听到在一起;迷人的人声,古老的琵琶,郁郁葱葱的弦乐器,灵活的拨弦,精致的芦苇,和飘渺的过度吹风。但这只是一个开始,因为我们想模糊有机和电子世界之间的界限,产生独一无二的混合色调和纹理。一个挂毯的波表和合成器的声音编织在每一个预设,弹射这些仪器到一个全新的声音维度。WORLD FURY无限的音色可能性无缝融合了传统与前卫,让你的听众敬畏。创造力的边界和你的想象力一样广阔而独特。
体验性能和效率的和谐融合,释放出无与伦比的情感力量。WORLD FURY重新定义了构图过程,使您的创意的每一步顺利和简单。用户友好的界面是为清晰的功能而设计的,但它包含了强大的工具,可以帮助您塑造声音,使其立即符合您的视觉。凭借直观的用户界面,这些仪器和您的工作流程之间的连接是无缝的,确保了直接和高效的创作体验。你永远不会迷路寻找隐藏的按钮。量身定制的声音塑造效果和主窗口内的参数提供了宽描构图的总控制,而智能弹出菜单允许深度声音雕刻效果,lfo和效果动画。向音乐制作问好,而无需过多的点击。
时间就是金钱,截止日期从未如此紧迫,因此Sample Logic竭尽全力为您节省时间和挫败感。快速轻松地找到完美的声音是至关重要的,所以效率决定了界面的每一步。使用多标签浏览器系统定位声音和预设是一件轻而易举的事情。每个乐器预设都用描述性的类型驱动标签进行分类。从那里,最喜欢的预设保存以备将来使用-即使当你关闭和重新打开仪器。浏览器是一个一站式的解决方案,选择,定制和执行动态仪器预设。
赶时间吗?Sample Logic已经配备了WORLD FURY流线型随机化,允许您快速生成大量新的预设。只需设置您的参数,并单击随机按钮释放灵感。界面的智能随机化技术每次都会在现场产生创造性的结果。
WORLD FURY包括380多采样仪器和预设,包括使用Kontakt的无损样本存储压缩的7 GB样本库(19,764音频样本)。所有样本以44.1kHz/24位传送。
•完整付费版本的Kontakt,版本6.7.1或更高。将不能在免费的Kontakt Player工作!
•英特尔Mac (i5或更高):Mac OS 10.11或更高(最新更新),4gb RAM(建议6gb)
•苹果硅Mac(通过Rosetta 2和ARM单机或支持它的主机):Mac OS 12,13,14(最新更新),4gb RAM(建议6gb)
•Windows 10或更高版本,英特尔酷睿i5或同等CPU, 4gb RAM(建议6gb)
•7 GB空闲磁盘空间用于WORLD FURY样本内容
Introducing WORLD FURY: Your passport to an inspiring palette of world instruments and vocals captured from around the globe. This adventurous collection is derived and fueled by the creative animated instruments of WORLD AI, conjuring imaginative and exquisite presets from a fusion of global timbres and effects processing. We’ve peeled away the sequenced layers of WORLD AI to discover treasured cultural sounds beneath the motion. Building off this authentic indigenous content rises a new world of virtual instruments for the Kontakt engine. WORLD FURY blurs the line between traditional instruments and modern sound design to deliver transformative world sounds, all organically modulated. Each sound is morphed with creative effects and a touch of synthesis. These 380 intelligently designed multi-sampled instruments and presets are your starting points for a globe-trotting adventure. Each one utilizes WORLD FURY’s efficient and easy to use engine, geared up to tweak and transform familiar sounds into unheard textural moments. Now you can combine real-world organic performances with your personal creative touch.
In our quest to capture the essence of authentic cultures and peoples, we scoured the globe for rare and unusual instruments and vocals to build the soul of this extraordinary collection. Our exhaustive mission led us to boutique instruments, where we meticulously recorded performances bursting with authentic humanity, bringing nuance and character to every sample. Our eclectic lineup of inspiring instruments includes signature sounds rarely heard together; mesmerizing vocals, ancient lutes, lush chordophones, nimble plucked strings, delicate reeds, and ethereal overblown winds. But that’s just the start, as we wanted to blur the lines between the organic and electronic worlds, birthing one-of-a-kind hybrid tones and textures. A tapestry of wavetables and synth sounds are woven throughout every preset, catapulting these instruments into a whole new sonic dimension. WORLD FURY’s limitless array of timbral possibilities seamlessly blends the traditional with the avant-garde, leaving your listeners in awe. The boundaries of creativity are as expansive and unique as your imagination.
Experience a harmonious blend of performance and efficiency that unleashes unmatched emotive power. WORLD FURY redefines the composition process, making every step of your creativity smooth and simple. The user-friendly interface is designed for clear functionality, yet it’s packed with robust tools to help you shape sounds that will instantly match your vision. With the intuitive user interface, the connection between these instruments and your workflow is seamless, ensuring a direct and efficient creative experience. You’ll never lose your way hunting for hidden buttons. Tailored sound shaping effects and parameters within the main window provide total control for broad-stroke composition while smart pop-up menus allow for deep sound sculpting effects, LFOs and effect animators. Say hello to music production without the hassle of excessive clicking.
Time is money and deadlines have never been tighter, thus Sample Logic has gone to great lengths to save you time and frustration with WORLD FURY. Finding the perfect sound quickly and easily is vital, so efficiency defines every step of the interface. Locating sounds and presets is a breeze using the multi-tag browser system. Each instrument preset is categorized with descriptive genre-driven tags. From there, favorite presets to save for future use – even when you close and reopen the instrument. The browser is a one-stop solution for choosing, customizing and performing dynamic instrument presets.
In a hurry? Sample Logic has equipped WORLD FURY with streamlined randomization, allowing you to rapidly generate a multitude of new presets. Simply set your parameters and click the random button to unleash inspiration. The interface’s intelligent randomization technology will generate creative results on the spot, every time.
Technical specifications
WORLD FURY includes 380 multi-sampled instruments and presets, including a 7 GB sample library (19,764 audio samples) using Kontakt’s lossless sample storage compression. All samples are delivered at 44.1kHz/24-bit.
• Full paid version of Kontakt, version 6.7.1 or higher. Will not work in the free Kontakt Player!
• Intel Macs (i5 or higher): Mac OS 10.11 or higher (latest update), 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
• Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): Mac OS 12, 13, 14 (latest update), 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
• Windows 10, or higher, Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
• 7 GB free disk space for WORLD FURY sample content
COMPATIBILITY (64-bit only)
• Stand-alone • VST2 • VST3 • AU • AAX
~ 380 Instruments & Presets
~ 7 GB Sample content (using lossless compression)
~ Made entirely from multi-sampled traditional world instruments (19,764 audio samples)
~ Dynamic meta-tag browsing system
~ Hot-swappable effects chain technology
~ Randomization refined for instant and creative inspiration
~ Streamlined User Interface for stress free music production