FANTASTiC | 25 May 2022 | 781 MB
用于沉浸式和鼓舞人心的曲目的驾驶,赞美主房间的声音。 Euphoric House 在一个包含强大的合成器即兴演奏、丰富的令人振奋的垫子、5-羟色胺诱导的低音下降、驱动鼓和颂歌的乐器钩子的合集中散发出强大的旋律。 这个史诗系列结合了最好的 Tech 和 Deep House,是一个万无一失的灵感起点。
•399 个循环
Driving, anthemic Mainroom sounds for immersive and inspirational tracks. Euphoric House oozes powerful melodics in a collection packed with powerful synth riffs, rich uplifting pads, serotonin inducing bass drops, driving drums and anthemic instrumental hooks. Combining the best of Tech and Deep House, this epic collection is a surefire inspiration starter.
•86 one shots
•399 loops