FANTASTiC | 22 March 2024 | 535.39 MB
专为数字板条箱挖掘机而设计。 《Rarities On Wax》是一场精心制作的声音奥德赛,超越了传统音乐制作的界限。 令人回味的旋律、音乐堆栈、重新想象的黑胶唱片剪辑、尘土飞扬的断裂声以及受 60 年代和 70 年代黄金时代晦涩、稀有、奇怪和被遗忘的唱片启发的独特音调,以无与伦比的真实性重获新生。 《Rarities on Wax》提供了一系列循环、单曲和鼓乐,向过去的音乐时代的怪异致敬,精心策划和重新采样,将您带入唱片店唱片箱的尘土飞扬的角落。
378 样品
Designed for the digital crate digger in mind. Rarities On Wax is a meticulously crafted sonic odyssey that transcends the boundaries of conventional music production. From evocative melodies, music stacks, reimagined vinyl cuts, dusty breaks, and distinctive tones inspired by obscure, rare, odd, and forgotten records from the golden eras of the 60s and 70s are reborn with unparalleled authenticity. Rarities on Wax offers an assortment of loops, one-shots, and drums hits by paying homage to the eccentricities of a bygone musical era, meticulously curated and resampled to transport you to a the dusty corner of a record’s shop bin of records.
378 Samples