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SerumFX效果器 – Xfer Records SerumFX v1.2.1b4 v1.2.1b5 UPDATE WiN MacOSX


这是Xfer Records的FX血清版本。 它用作声音处理插件,可以为人声,吉他,钢琴或柔和的合成器增色添彩! 使用SerumFX,您可以大大改善任何乐器的声音! 您将爱上此插件!


带有10个效果模块(EQ,滤波器,超/尺寸,失真,压缩器,混响,合唱,延迟,镶边,移相器)的效果架可让您获得完美的最终声音。 效果可以重新排序为所需的任何配置。


实际上,所有效果参数也可用作调制目标。 例如,应用LFO来控制混响大小或干/湿,或应用速度来控制失真量。 这些效果和模式中有许多是仅针对血清而构建的,因此有许多独特的效果可供选择,例如可以模拟(附加)一致量的Hyper(超级)或允许在两个单独的波形之间变形的双波形整形器。 波形。


This is FX version of Serum by Xfer Records. It is used as a sound processing plugin to spice up any track whether it’s a vocal, guitar, piano or soft synth! With SerumFX you can greatly improve the sound of any instrument! You will love this plugin!


An effects rack with 10 effects modules (EQ, Filter, Hyper/Dimension, Distortion, Compressor, Reverb, Chorus, Delay, Flanger, Phaser) lets you get a perfect finished sound. Effects can be re-ordered to any configuration you want.


Virtually all effect parameters are also available as modulation destinations. For example, apply an LFO to control reverb size or dry/wet, or velocity to control distortion amount. Many of these effects and modes were built just for Serum, so there are many unique effects to choose from, such as Hyper, which simulates (additional) unison amounts, or a dual-waveshaper which allows for a distortion you can morph between two separate wave shapes.

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