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Signature Shapes: Avant Garde Jazz WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 December 2024 | 982.65 MB

体验由艺术家、作曲家和音乐家Charles gold在纽约爵士现场的一些最好的乐器演奏家的陪同下演奏的前卫爵士乐。以不和谐的和弦进行,自由即兴,非常规的节奏和实验纹理为特色,这个集合捕捉了前卫爵士乐的大胆本质。完美的生产者寻求推动音乐的界限,包包括混乱的号角riff,抽象的鼓模式,另类的钢琴线,和大气的音景。理想的爵士融合,实验流派,和创造性的声音设计,这些样品提供了无限的创新可能性。”


这张专辑向Ornette Coleman 1959年的专辑《The Shape of Jazz to Come》致敬,这张专辑经常被认为是该音乐类型的里程碑。科尔曼放弃了传统的和声进程,引入了自由形式的即兴演奏。约翰·科尔特兰(John Coltrane)已经是一名知名的硬波普歌手,他在20世纪60年代凭借《a Love Supreme》和《Ascension》等专辑进入了前卫音乐运动,拥抱了精神和实验的声音。在这个“自由爵士”时代,其他值得注意的是传奇人物塞西尔·泰勒和孙·拉。





Experience the cutting edge of sound with Shapes – Avant Garde Jazz by artist, composer and musician Charles Goold accompanied by a host of some of the best instrumentalists in the NYC jazz scene. Featuring dissonant chord progressions, freeform improvisations, unconventional rhythms, and experimental textures, this collection captures the bold essence of avant-garde jazz. Perfect for producers seeking to push musical boundaries, the pack includes chaotic horn riffs, abstract drum patterns, offbeat piano lines, and atmospheric soundscapes. Ideal for jazz fusion, experimental genres, and creative sound design, these samples provide limitless possibilities for innovation.”

Avant-garde jazz is a radical, experimental subgenre that emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s, rooted in the freedom and innovation of bebop and post-bop but pushing the boundaries of conventional jazz structure. It sought to break away from traditional harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic constraints to explore new forms of expression, often through improvisation, unconventional time signatures, and dissonant tonalities.

This release pays homage to Ornette Coleman’s 1959 album The Shape of Jazz to Come, often cited as a landmark in the subgenre. Coleman abandoned traditional harmonic progression and introduced free-form improvisation. John Coltrane, already known as a hard bop artist, entered the avant-garde movement in the 1960s with albums like A Love Supreme and Ascension, embracing spiritual and experimental sounds. Other notable mentions in this “Free Jazz” era are the likes of legends Cecil Taylor and Sun Raa.

Charles Goold is a graduate of The Juilliard School and has become one of New York City’s hardest working musicians. Featured alongside him on this pack is a special assembled band consisting of Mark Lewandowski (Bass), Davis Whitfield (Piano), Ben Soloman (Saxophone), all touting long resumes in New York’s jazz scene. This pack was recorded at The Bunker Studio in Brooklyn NY, a flagship studio in the jazz community with session engineering by Nolan Thies.

Whether you’re aiming for chaotic improvisation or minimalist abstraction, these avant-garde jazz elements will elevate your production to new artistic heights.

362 Samples

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