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SINEE Total Techno Bundle WAV

P2P | 26 August 2023 | 1.47 GB

通过这些技术样本和循环,您可以为每种氛围和每个楼层制作永恒的技术曲目。 高峰时间槽? 总技术包。 原始催眠? 总技术包。 又快又难? 总技术包。 黑暗还是狂野? 获取 Total Techno 捆绑包。 通过 SINEE 迄今为止最全面的样本包体验充分的灵活性和高品质的声音。 这个庞大的库为您提供了一切完美的技术样本。 我们确信您只需要 Total Techno Bundle 即可制作高质量的 techno 作品。 期待超过 1800 个样本,或者换句话说,超过 2GB 的声音!

1846 个样本 – 2.35GB
361 踢
231 无人机和全景声
220 个打击乐循环
161 合成器循环
134 个踢循环
102 施兰茨环
92 个低音循环
86 个合成镜头
61 军鼓
42 FX
39 踩镲
86 个合成镜头
20 次骑行
86 个合成镜头
20 次拍手
14 扭曲的声音
适用于任何 DAW


With these techno samples & loops you produce timeless techno tracks for every vibe and every floor. Peak time grooves? Total techno bundle. Raw hypnotic? Total techno bundle. fast & hard? Total techno bundle. Dark or ravy? Grab the Total Techno Bundle. Experience full flexibility and high quality sound with SINEE’s most comprehensive sample pack to date. This huge library provides you with techno samples that leave nothing to be desired. We are sure that you don’t need more than the Total Techno Bundle to set up high-quality techno productions. Look forward to over 1800 samples , or in other words, over 2GB of sound!

Total techno sample details
1846 samples – 2.35GB
361 kicks
231 Drones & Atmos
220 percussion loops
181 percussion shots
161 synth loops
134 kick loops
102 Schranz loops
92 bass loops
86 synth shots
61 snares
42 FX
42 acid loops
40 top loops
39 hi-hats
86 synth shots
20 rides
86 synth shots
20 claps
14 distorted voices
Suitable for any DAW
Our samples are all license-free and may be used in your publications

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