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Singomakers Infected Psytrance WAV REX

 1.74 GB

在Astral Psytrance连续3个月蝉联Loopmasters畅销书排行榜第一的惊人成功之后,Singomakers带来了更强大的续集-感染的Psytrance!这个鼓舞人心的示例包完美融合了受Attrix和Astral Projection启发的Atmo Psy,当然还融合了受感染蘑菇启发的一些充满活力的实验声音和技巧。在这里,您会发现一些超强大的调制低音,经过处理的人声,现场录制的原声和电吉他,鼓,合成器以及产生Psytrance流行音乐所需的其他任何东西!
详细地讲,期望以140-145 BPM的速度找到2,22 Gb的wav 24位样本,包括但不限于170个单发,110个合成器循环,50个低音循环,68个吉他循环,33个人声循环,30个鼓填充,93个鼓循环,167个Midi文件,384个Rex2文件,40个采样器补丁,100个SFX和感染的灵感!
灵感来自Astrix,Astral Projection,Shpongle,Dragonfly,Infected Mushroom,Sesto Sento,GMS,Vini Vici,Vertical Mode,Ace Ventura,Talamasca的精彩曲目,以及Iboga Records,Iono Music,TIP World,Dragonfly Records,HOM-Mega等唱片公司制作和节日,如满月派对,迷幻马戏团,燃烧山,Antaris项目,自然风光,VooV节,MoDem节,OZORA节,自由节和Psy-Fi!
还有一件事情……歌手为他们令人赞叹的Kick Tweak和Magic Stereo VST / AU插件提供了促销/折扣代码,这些插件已被Hard-well,Chris Lake,Dannic,W&W,Joachim Garraud,DOD,Jordy等许多A-List制片人使用Dazz,Swanky Tunes等!
检查此精湛的演示曲目,立即下载您的Infected Psytrance!
•140-145 BPM
•30 Perc
•100 FX

After the phenomenal success of Astral Psytrance holding #1 spot of Loopmasters bestseller for 3 month in a row, Singomakers returns with an even more powerful sequel of this genre – Infected Psytrance! This inspirational sample pack is an excellent fusion of Atmo Psy inspired by Astrix and Astral Projection and of course mixed up with some energized experimental sounds and tricks inspired by Infected Mushroom. Here you will find some super-powerful modulated Basses, Processed glitched vocals, Live Recorded Acoustic and Electro Guitars, Drums, Synths and anything else you may need to produce your Psytrance hit!
In detail expect to find 2,22 Gb of wav 24 bit samples at 140-145 BPM including but not limited with 170 One Shots, 110 Synth Loops, 50 Bass Loops, 68 Guitar Loops, 33 Vocal Loops, 30 Drum Fills, 93 Drum Loops, 167 Midi Files, 384 Rex2 Files, 40 Sampler Patches, 100 SFX and Infected inspiration!
Inspired by awesome tracks from Astrix, Astral Projection, Shpongle, Dragonfly, Infected Mushroom, Sesto Sento, G.M.S, Vini Vici, Vertical Mode, Ace Ventura, Talamasca and labels like Iboga Records, Iono Music, TIP World, Dragonfly Records, HOM-Mega Productions and festivals like Full Moon Party, Psychedelic Circus, Burning Mountain, Antaris Project, Freqs of Nature, VooV Festival, MoDem Festival, OZORA Festival, Freedom Festival and Psy-Fi!
And one more thing…Singomakers provided Promo/Discount codes for their amazing Kick Tweak & Magic Stereo VST/AU plugins, which have been used by many A-List producers like Hardwell, Chris Lake, Dannic, W&W, Joachim Garraud, D.O.D, Jordy Dazz, Swanky Tunes and more!
Don’t forget that all samples from Singomakers are 100% royalty free and you can use them in your own tracks and release on labels, use it for commercials, youtube, radio and more!
Check this superb demo track and download your copy of Infected Psytrance today!
Product Details:
• 24-Bit Quality
• 140-145 BPM
• 170 One-Shots in Total
• 30 Clap & Snares
• 20 Crash & Riodes
• 30 Hi-Hats
• 30 Kicks
• 30 Perc
• 30 Synth Shots
• 110 Synth Loops
• 50 Bass Loops
• 68 Guitar Loops
• 33 Vocal Loops
• 30 Drum Fills
• 93 Drum Loops
• 384 REX2 Files
• 100 FX

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