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SM195 – Future Vox (Wav/Rex2/Serum/Midi/Ableton/Cubase)

Wav/Rex2 | 1.8 GB

切碎,调整,故障,免版税,充满灵魂的人声。 Future Vox包含数百种经过专业调音和处理的声音,所有声音都可以无缝切入您的混音中。每个循环都以100bpm的速度进行速度同步,并标记了密钥以简化循环。与WAV,MIDI,血清预设,Ableton Racks和Cubase Project文件打包在一起-Future Vox汇集了一系列流行元素,包括流行音乐,灵魂音乐,未来嘻哈音乐和R&B。
Future Vox包含4个文件夹,因此您可以轻松找到所需的声音:变音,已处理。人声奔放和vox循环。每个循环都经过精心设计,以创建充满活力的vox工具,使节奏栩栩如生。
请注意:以上机架需要Ableton Live 9.7.7或更高版本。这些机架与Ableton Live Standard和Suite版本兼容,并且与Ableton 10向前兼容。乐器架和乐器FX架位于“人声运行”文件夹中。 Ableton Producer机架位于“ Ableton Producer机架”文件夹中。
665 x 24位Wav文件
253 x Rex2文件
5个Ableton FX机架
42 x血清预设

Chopped, tweaked, glitched, royalty-free, soulful inspired vocals. Future Vox is packed with hundreds of expertly pitched and processed sounds, all cut to slot seamlessly into your mix. Each loop is tempo-synced at 100bpm and key-labeled for looping ease. Packed together with WAV, MIDI, Serum presets, Ableton Racks and Cubase Project files – Future Vox brings together a collection of cutting-edge elements ranging from Pop, Soul, Future Hip-Hop and R&B.
Future Vox contains 4 folders so you can find the sounds you need with complete ease: pitched runs, processed runs. vocal runs and vox loops. Each loop has been painstakingly reworked to create energetic vox tools that will bring beats to life.
Future Vox Rack Info
Please note: The above racks require Ableton Live 9.7.7 or newer. These racks are compatible with Ableton Live Standard and Suite editions and forward compatible with Ableton 10. The Instrument Racks and Instrument FX Racks are found in the “Vocal Runs” folder. The Ableton Producer Racks are found in the “Ableton Producer Racks” folder.
665 x 24-bit Wav files
253 x Rex2 files
59 x MIDI files
5 x Ableton FX Racks
10 x Cubase Project Files
42 x Serum Presets

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