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Softube Console 1 Fader v2.5.9 WIN

Softube Console 1 Fader v2.5.9 WIN| 49/46MB

基于Softube Console 1的成功绝非易事。 但是和您一样,我们相信雄心勃勃的梦想。 为了进一步改善Console 1带来的史诗般的工作流程优势,我们不得不问:“下一步我们可以去哪里?” 答案很明确,结果就在这里。

Softube Console 1 Fader可改善感觉和工作流程,并在一处提供最佳的硬件和软件,可让您将音质提升到新的高度。 混合杰作并不容易,但是使用Console 1 Fader可以无限地进行。 现在是时候了。

Building on the success of Softube Console 1 was never going to be easy. But like you, we believe in ambitious dreams. To further improve the epic workflow advantages Console 1 brings, we had to ask, “where can we go next?” The answer was clear, and the result is here.

Improving feel and workflow, and making the best of hardware and software available in one place, Softube Console 1 Fader allows you to raise the sound quality bar to new heights. Mixing a masterpiece isn’t easy, but with Console 1 Fader there’s no limit to what you can do. Now’s the time.

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