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Sonic Academy – How to Make: Chillwave with Kimasu

斯科特·洛 | 时长:3 小时 14 分 | 视频:H264 1280×800 | 音频:AAC 44,1 kHz 2ch | 3,63 GB | 英语语言

我们欢迎 Scott Lowe 之前的课程,因为 Mescal Kids 经历了一场风暴! 在这个全新的“How To Make”中,他使用了他的新别名 Kimasu,为一首名为“Everyday”的更慢节奏的旋律合成器重的chillwave 曲目。

在 Logic Pro Scott 中从头开始构建音轨让我们一步一步地完成构建律动和贝斯线的过程,然后处理和弦、80 年代的大型主音线、人声和 FX,然后以混音和母带结束。 它可以尽情发挥!

简单易懂,但具有史诗般的效果,这是一门很棒的课程,您可以在任何 DAW 中学习。


Scott Lowe | Duration: 3h 14 m | Video: H264 1280×800 | Audio: AAC 44,1 kHz 2ch | 3,63 GB | Language: English

We welcome Scott Lowe who’s previous courses as Mescal Kids have gone down a storm! In this all-new ‘How To Make’ he is under his new alias Kimasu for a more downtempo melodic synth-heavy chillwave track called ‘Everyday’.

Building the track from scratch in Logic Pro Scott takes us step-by-step through the process of building the groove and basslines before tackling the chords, a massive 80’s sounding lead line, vocals and FX and then finishing off with a mixdown and master so it can be played out in all its glory!

Easy and simple to understand but with an epic sounding outcome this is an awesome course that you can follow along in any DAW.

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