FANTASTiC | 26 March 2021 | 579 MB
从巴赫(Bach)到莫扎特(Mozart),从贝多芬(Bethoven)到瓦格纳(Wagner),这支烟盒都为有史以来最具标志性的旋律注入了新的活力,它们首次以样品装形式出现。 该唱片包由纽约一些最好的管弦乐音乐家录制,包括完整的管弦乐片段以及单个乐器部件,以及现代化的“翻转”版本。
From Bach to Mozart, Beethoven to Wagner, this pack breathes new life into the most iconic melodies of all time, available for the first time together in sample pack form. Recorded by some of the best orchestral musicians in NYC, this pack includes both full orchestral segments as well as individual instrument parts, as well as modernized, “flipped” versions.