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Sonuscore Mongolian Voices Ancient Phrases for HALion

P2P | 9 March 2023 | 3.02 GB







喉喉歌手阿希特·纳尔吉是世界上最著名的歌手之一,拥有音乐教学学士学位和蒙古音乐硕士学位。额尔denetsetseg Khenmedekh拥有令人难以置信的音域,长期从事蒙古传统歌唱表演。作为蒙古长歌的大师,Munkhbaatar Bat-Ulzii经常在世界各地演出。


屡获殊荣的音乐和声音制作工作室Dynamedion在2012年创立了Sonuscore,该团队曾创造了备受赞誉的BOOM Library。Dynamedion在高质量的音乐作曲、声音设计、现场管弦乐队制作方面享有国际声誉,是欧洲最大的游戏音频工作室之一。三位创始人结合了他们在管弦乐制作和音质方面的丰富经验,创造了一些市场上最好的虚拟乐器。


Evoke other worlds with the sound of the steppe
Mongolian Voices – Ancient Phrases will invoke magic with mysterious voices from beyond, delivering your compositions into strange, unknown places and enticing you to break free from all inhibitions. Tapping into the shamanic sounds of traditional Mongolian singing, the three categories — Female, Male and Male Throat — include the traditional long song, loudly sung from the mountain tops to evoke the vast, open spaces of the Mongolian steppe, and the famous throat singing which uses guttural vibrations and circular breathing to create an alien, otherworldly sound.

621 different phrases in 17 themes

3 categories: Female, Male and Male Throat

Unique singing compatible with most scale modes

FX to add depth and character

About the singers
Throat singer Ashit Nergui is one of the most famous in the world and has a Bachelor’s degree in Teaching Music and a Master’s in Mongolian Music. Erdenetsetseg Khenmedekh has an incredible vocal range and has enjoyed a long career performing Mongolian traditional singing. A master of the Mongolian long song, Munkhbaatar Bat-Ulzii regularly performs throughout the world.

Meet Sonuscore the creators of this library
Award-winning music and sound production studio Dynamedion founded Sonuscore in 2012, the same original team that created the highly acclaimed BOOM Library. Dynamedion has a respected international reputation for high-quality music composition, sound design, live orchestra production and is one of the biggest game audio studios in Europe. The three founders have combined their vast experience in orchestral music production and sound quality to create some of the best virtual instruments on the market.

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