FANTASTiC | 14 August 2023 | 828.65 MB
RnB Crush 循环干净、抛光且组装得非常好,RnB Crush 是一款紧密、推进且真正流畅的 R&B 构造套件。 这个标题包含了近 1 场半的内容(总共 168 个循环),太丰富了! 里面的五个套件以快乐的 R&B 概念(90 BPM,降 E 小调)开始,然后是四个杀手级慢速即兴演奏(110 BPM,降 E 小调;125 BPM,C 分钟;130 BPM,F 分钟和 140 BPM,F 分钟)。 每个套件中都存在并考虑所有核心节拍组件:鼓、贝司、打击乐器、电钢琴和原声钢琴、电吉他和原声吉他、合成器主音和打击垫,甚至一些声码器循环。 在基本原理中有很多变化,您可以使用它们来调整微妙之处,使过程人性化并使您的作品与众不同。 RnB Crush 是一个独立的解决方案,可快速制作当代流畅的 R&B 曲目。 声音尖锐而清脆,因此音乐真正具有呼吸感 – 如果您正在寻找可以唱歌的东西,那么这是完美的选择。 节奏是抒情鼓舞人心的,声音组合在一起的方式总是会给你尽可能多的空间来找到你的歌手。 对于这样的音乐,声音能够在稀疏、精简的编曲中独立存在是非常重要的。 RnB Crush 正是提供了这样的效果——拖放敲击声音。
RnB Crush loops are clean, polished, and really well put together, RnB Crush is a tight, propulsive, and authentic smooth R&B construction kit. Packed with close to a gig and a half of content (168 loops total), this title is fat! The five kits inside kick off with a happy R&B concept (90 BPM, E flat minor) followed by four killer slow jams (110 BPM, E flat min; 125 BPM, C min; 130 BPM, F min, and 140 BPM, F min). All core beat components are present and accounted for in every kit: drums, bass, percussion, electric and acoustic piano, electric and acoustic guitar, synth leads and pads, and even some vocoder loops. Among the fundamentals there are plenty of variations that you can use to dial in subtleties, humanize the proceedings and set your productions apart. RnB Crush is a self-contained solution for making contemporary smooth R&B tracks fast. The sonics are sharp and crisp, so the music really breathes—perfect if you’re looking for something to sing over. The grooves are lyrically inspiring and the sounds come together in ways that will always give you as much space as you need to locate your singers. With music like this, it’s really important that the sounds have the ability to stand on their own in sparse, stripped down arrangements. RnB Crush delivers just that—drag ‘n’ drop hit sounds.