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Splice Country Dippin’ Sauce – Indie Country WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 27 October 2024 | 669.68 MB

把这当成你的独立国家入门包。纳什维尔的多乐器演奏家Jarrad K探索了一些乐队和音乐家,他们虽然受到美国乡村音乐的影响,但并不完全适合“乡村”类型-像Wilco, Andrew Bird, Elliott Smith, Bright Eyes, Bon Iver等艺术家。由此产生的一次性镜头和循环是令人兴奋和生动的,有时甚至有点不平衡。它们包括他在挖掘样本时所达到的纹理,以唤起忧郁,希望,紧张和释放的感觉。为了实现这一目标,他采取了一种混合的方法来记录带和动态麦克风的鼓,这样他们就能在感觉温暖和舒适的同时保持一种冲击。为了进一步捕捉真实的动态声音,他使用雅马哈MT8X录制到盒式磁带上,并通过Tascam 38磁带机打印了一些鼓。



Consider this your indie country starter pack. Nashville-based multi-instrumentalist Jarrad K explored bands and musicians who, while influenced by American Country music, don’t fit neatly into the ‘country’ genre – artists like Wilco, Andrew Bird, Elliott Smith, Bright Eyes, Bon Iver, and more. The resulting one-shots and loops are exciting and alive, sometimes even slightly off-kilter. They include the textures he reaches for when digging through samples to evoke feelings of melancholy, hopefulness, tension, and release. To achieve this, he took a hybrid approach to recording the drums with ribbon and dynamic mics so they’d retain a punch while feeling warm and cozy. To further capture that authentic, dynamic sound, he recorded onto cassette tape using a Yamaha MT8X and printed some drums through the Tascam 38 tape machine.

364 Samples


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