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Splice Country Nashville Essentials – Modern Country (WAV)

27/10/2024 | WAV | 1130 MB

如果我们不为音乐之城奉献一张专辑,这将是什么样的乡村音乐样本厂牌?乡村音乐之乡,纳什维尔,田纳西州的基础深深植根于音乐传统。19世纪,它成为全国音乐出版中心,1892年,莱曼礼堂建成,被称为“南方的卡内基音乐厅”。第一个开始世界巡演的音乐表演来自菲斯克大学(并得到了菲斯克大学的支持),这让纳什维尔成为了全球音乐中心。1925年,广播电台WSM成立,并推出了后来被称为“大奥普里”的广播节目。20世纪30年代,杰斐逊街变成了一个充满活力的音乐和娱乐中心。当摇滚在20世纪50年代开始成为全球的焦点时,这座城市的音乐产业发展了纳什维尔之声(Nashville Sound)流派,以重振乡村音乐的销售,用流畅的弦乐和合唱、复杂的背景人声和与传统流行音乐相关的流畅节奏取代了主导现场的粗犷的酒吧音乐。从那以后的几十年里,纳什维尔的音乐场景不断发展、演变,并衍生出了几个乡村音乐的子流派和风格。然而,由于根基如此之深,总会有某种声音与音乐之城联系在一起,而这个包抓住了它。

土生土长的纳什维尔音乐家Kate L. Malone (Sam Hunt, Alana Springsteen, Emma White)和Devin Malone (Keith Urban, Jelly Roll, Carrie Underwood, Ingrid Andress)为这支乐队演奏了声音。凯特是一名制作人和词曲作者,拥有超过十年的各种音乐行业角色经验,从词曲作者到制作人和戏剧音乐总监。她创作和制作的歌曲出现在电视节目和电影中,为ABC家庭,自由形式网络,MTV和顶峰娱乐/20世纪福克斯。凯特也是第一位被纳入ASCAP全球定位系统计划的女性制片人。Devin演奏了二十多首排名第一的乡村歌曲和无数的40首热门乡村歌曲。专注于电吉他,原声吉他,踏板钢,dobro和曼陀林,Devin是一个广受欢迎的实用播放器,无论是在录音会议和作为一个巡演的音乐家。



What kind of country music sample label would this be if we didn’t dedicate a pack to Music City? Home of country music, Nashville, Tennesee’s foundation is deeply rooted in musical tradition. It became a national center for music publishing in the 1800s and the Ryman Auditorium – the “Carnegie Hall of the South” – was built in 1892. The first musical act to embark on a world tour came from (and was supported by) Fisk University, putting Nashville on the map as a global music center. The radio station WSM and its launch of the broadcast later called the Grand Ole Opry was established in 1925. The 1930s saw Jefferson Street transform into a lively hub for music and entertainment. When rock & roll began stealing the global spotlight in the 1950s, the city’s music industry developed the Nashville Sound genre to revive country music sales, replacing the rough honky tonk music that dominated the scene with smooth strings and choruses, sophisticated background vocals, and smooth tempos associated with traditional pop. Throughout the decades since, Nashville’s music scene has evolved, morphed, and spun off several sub-genres and styles of country music. With roots so deep, however, there will always be a certain sound associated with Music City, and this pack captures it.

Born and bred Nashville musicians Kate L. Malone (Sam Hunt, Alana Springsteen, Emma White) and Devin Malone (Keith Urban, Jelly Roll, Carrie Underwood, Ingrid Andress) performed the sounds for this pack. Kate is a producer and songwriter with over ten years of experience in various music industry roles from songwriter to producer and theatrical music director. She has written and produced songs that have appeared in TV shows and movies for ABC Family, Freeform Network, MTV, and Summit Entertainment/20th Century Fox. Kate was also the first female producer ever included in the esteemed ASCAP GPS Program. Devin has played on more than twenty #1 country songs and countless Top 40 County Hits. Focusing on electric guitar, acoustic guitar, pedal steel, dobro, and mandolin, Devin is a sought-after utility player both in recording sessions and as a touring musician.

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