每次呼吸都是所有生命的基本来源-每次呼气和吸气都会造成死亡和重生的永久循环。 每一次呼吸都带有独特的旋律,节奏和音调,表现出动感十足的声音。 将我们的意识带入呼吸中可以使我们获得与生俱来的能力,以平衡和协调我们共同的人类经验。
与多维音乐制作人KYMÅ,DJ,声音健康顾问和具有创伤知识的呼吸课老师合作,Splice探索:呼吸是对呼吸的丰富,有节奏和生动的探索。 该集合是节奏呼吸,人声单发和组音调的折衷组合,以展示呼吸的联合力和协调力。
与多维音乐制作人KYMÅ,DJ,声音健康顾问和具有创伤知识的呼吸课老师合作,Splice探索:呼吸是对呼吸的丰富,有节奏和生动的探索。 该集合是节奏呼吸,人声单发和组音调的折衷组合,以展示呼吸的联合力和协调力。
Within each breath is the fundamental source of all life – a perpetual loop of death and rebirth with each exhale and inhale. Every breath carries with it a dynamic and diverse voice expressed through a unique melody, tempo, and tonal palette. Bringing our awareness to our breathing allows us to access our innate abilities to equalize and harmonize our shared human experience.
In partnership with KYMÅ, a multi-dimensional music producer, DJ, sonic wellness consultant, and trauma-informed breathwork teacher, Splice Explores: Breath is a rich, rhythmic, and vivid exploration of the breath. This collection is an eclectic combination of rhythmic breathing, vocal one-shots, and group toning to showcase the uniting and harmonizing forces of the breath.