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Splice Originals Favela Funk WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 28 December 2024 | 530.56 MB

出生于巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多的作曲家、音乐视频导演和制作人Planzo不知疲倦地在拉丁美洲和其他地区推广巴西放克音乐。他对音乐制作的创新方法既保留了流派的真实性,又使其适应新的观众。作为这些努力的一部分,Planzo与Splice Original团队,Hank Records和Fella Brown合作,制作了这个样本包,作为庆祝和促进巴西放克的里程碑。这包不仅抓住了funk的全部身份和根源,但它也表达了衷心的敬意,社区产生了这种充满活力的音乐风格。对于想要将丰富的巴西文化融入他们的项目的制作人和创作者来说,Splice Originals: Favela Funk提供了一个真实的沉浸在巴西社区的声音中。

简而言之,Favela Funk不仅仅是一个简单的声音包。这是对巴西文化的庆祝,也是对全世界发现和欣赏放克音乐深度和能量的邀请。对于想要将巴西文化融入他们的项目的制作人和创作者来说,这个包是一个不可或缺的工具,提供了与放克的本质和来自支持它的社区的丰富多样的声音的真正联系。



Born in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, the composer, music video director, and producer Planzo works tirelessly to promote Brazilian funk music in the Latin American scene and beyond. His innovative approach to music production both preserves the authenticity of the genre and adapts it to new audiences. As a part of these efforts, Planzo teamed up with Splice Original team, Hank Records, and Fella Brown to craft this sample pack as a milestone in celebrating and promoting Brazilian funk. This pack not only captures the entirety of funk’s identity and roots, but it also pays heartfelt tribute to the communities that gave rise to this vibrant musical style. Ideal for producers and creators who want to incorporate rich Brazilian culture into their projects, Splice Originals: Favela Funk offers an authentic immersion in the sound of Brazilian communities.

In short, Favela Funk is much more than a simple package of sounds. It is a celebration of Brazilian culture and an invitation for the world to discover and appreciate the depth and energy of funk. For producers and creators who want to integrate Brazilian culture into their projects, this pack is an indispensable tool, offering a genuine connection with the essence of funk and the rich variety of sounds from the communities that support it.

340 Samples


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