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Splice Soundscapes Circadian Rhythms WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 22 June 2024 | 474.12 MB

昼夜节律是对印度中部和卡纳哈国家公园自然节奏音景的深入探索。艺术家和制作人Sanaya Ardeshir(又名Sandunes)和Krishna Jhaveri通过昼夜节律和昼夜循环的镜头,记录了从黎明合唱到中午慵怠的鸟鸣,空灵的黄昏声音,以及在该地区丰富而古老的萨尔森林中嗡嗡作响的深夜的声音。


在这个包里,你会听到各种各样的声音,从降雨,鸟鸣,昆虫的叫声,鹿和猴子的报警电话,白蚁建造家园,等等。这些原始的声音生活在这个包的音景和氛围,除了广泛收集采样和处理的循环,使用这些录音来创建有机打击乐和有趣的节奏模式。为了与这些自然发生的节奏一起播放,采样的声音与90年代后期合成器经典的合成器声音混合在一起,例如Clavia nord 主音和Roland JP8000,以及现代的收藏- Novation Peak,以及古怪和Killpatrick Audio桌面模块,将这个包带入可以在现代音乐制作环境中使用的东西,特别是对于环境,电子和实验风格。



Circadian Rhythms is a deep exploration of the natural rhythmic soundscapes from Central India and Kanha National Park. Through the lens of circadian rhythms, cycles in day and night, artists and producers Sanaya Ardeshir (a.k.a. Sandunes) and Krishna Jhaveri recorded soundscapes ranging from dawn choruses, through lazy mid-day bird song, ethereal dusk sounds, and the buzzing deep nights across the rich and ancient Sal forests of the region.

Inspired by the rhythmic intricacies and intensities of the creatures that inhabit this region, as well as the stunning forest reverb, these sounds showcase the incredible natural rhythms of our most biodiverse ecosystems. Although Kahna is famous for its tiger reserve, with many tourists flocking year round to go on safaris and catch glimpses of a tiger, the other creatures that inhabit these forests are beautiful inhabitants of a rich and biodiverse, unique ecosystem with each creature inhabiting a specific frequency band to make sure they’re heard. A forest is after all, a symbiotic place, where the intricate balance of survival depends on the interplay between the plants and animals that live there that has cultivated for thousands of years.

In this pack you will hear sounds ranging from rainfall, birdsong, insect vocalisations, alarm calls from deer and monkeys, termites building a home, and much more. Several of these pristine sounds live as soundscapes and ambiences in this pack, in addition to an extensive collection of sampled and processed loops that use these recordings to create organic percussion and interesting rhythmic patterns. To play along with these natural occurring rhythms, sampled sounds are blended with synth sounds from late 90s synth classics such as the Clavia nord lead and the Roland JP8000, as well as modern favorites – the Novation Peak, and the quirky and Killpatrick Audio desktop modular, bringing this pack into something that can be used in a modern music production context, specially for ambient, electronic and experimental styles.

308 Samples


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