WiN | 28 January 2021 | 497 MB
Cubase Elements欢迎您来到Cubase的世界,它提供了一个简化的音乐制作环境,它具有许多功能,可帮助抓住音乐创造力来袭的时刻。 Cubase Elements具有与Cubase家族中较大的兄弟姐妹相同的原始音频质量,Cubase Elements为直观的歌曲创作,录音室级录音和最终混音提供了理想的起点。您想将声音提升到一个新的水平吗? Cubase Elements是您的下一步。
Cubase Elements可以跟上您的想法发展的步伐。无论您是要录制乐器和人声,还是要录制最先进的节奏,您都可以在Cubase Elements中找到所有创意工具和功能,这些功能和工具将保证高效而有意义的工作流程。借助专业,精确的编辑和混音功能来改善音轨,并使用集成的MixConsole中一流的通道条来完善您的作品-完全符合您希望获得的Cubase系列产品的标准。
创作音乐包括找到一个想法,您可以将其阐述成完整的音乐作品。 Cubase Elements通过创新和独特的Chord Pads和Arranger Track轻松协调和安排音乐。无论您是在寻找进一步的灵感,是弹奏和弦的快速简便的方法,还是尝试不同的安排,Cubase Elements都可以为您提供最大的灵活性,并结合轻巧的用户界面,以使您的想法更完美,并从音乐中获得最大的收益。
强大的乐器和超赞的声音使您领先于其他产品。 HALion Sonic SE,Groove Agent SE和Prologue — Cubase Elements提供了各种各样的高端采样乐器,令人振奋的声学和电子鼓和凹槽,最先进的合成器以及实验声音设计工具。凭借备受赞誉的VST Amp Rack音调套件,您需要的所有放大器都可以并肩站立,为您的音乐赋予非常独特的音色。
Cubase 11拥有广泛的工作流程和性能改进,以及激动人心的新方法来寻找灵感并改善您的作品。无论您的音乐目标是什么,Cubase 11都会帮助您实现它们。
在大多数DAW中,打印茎是一项重复且耗时的任务。 Cubase Pro 11使这项工作更快,更不容易出错并且更方便。将导出选择同步到项目中的选择。创建和还原文件格式预设。导出完整的信号路径,包括主总线效果,以真正复制混音。 Cubase Pro 11甚至使您可以在喝咖啡的同时一口气收集出口工作并一次性导出整个队列。
Cubase 11中的Sampler Track具有许多重要的新功能可供发现。新的切片模式使您的循环更加轻松,只需单击一下即可开始播放。现在有两个全局LFO可用来为您的声音添加动感和捕捉。您可以使用示例引擎的新质量模式来获得复古感或最高保真度。然后是新的单声道连奏滑音,非常适合骑808低音线…等等!
Scale Assistant是您的歌曲创作工具包的绝佳补充。您可以在“密钥编辑器”中设置歌曲的音阶,并跟随其线索,将独奏量化为音阶,或者以完美的音调进行现场演奏。您可以将视图更改为仅查看已设置音阶的音符。您甚至可以让音阶助手分析您的MIDI录音并建议正确的音阶。现在,没有更多借口来记错笔记了!
Cubase 11对“密钥编辑器”的功能进行了重大改进。现在,您可以在CC和Pitch Bend车道中创建坡道和曲线,就像您习惯自动化一样。将弯音步调设置为半音,您将始终保持完美的音调。您还可以方便地将所有CC编辑内容复制到另一个MIDI轨道,而现在可以通过简单,快速的双击删除MIDI音符。
有许多原因使您应该使用动态均衡来获得更好的混音,而对于频率2,现在没有理由不这样做了。它的八个频段中的每一个都可以单独设置为动态模式,从而使滤波器节点依赖于输入信号以实现惊人的精确动态混音。而且,更好的是,Cubase 11允许您利用VST 3的多个侧链架构为每个频段设置不同的侧链。
创作任何类型的音乐时,与速度变化或标记保持同步至关重要。 Cubase 11通过现在可以在“密钥编辑器”中显示的Global Tracks使您的生活更轻松。无需再离开“密钥编辑器”,这种出色的视觉参考将使您的作品迅速而富有创意地前进。
需要壁球!这款动态工具结合了多达三个频段的上下压缩功能,使其在许多情况下具有超强的灵活性。使用它可以帮助您的主音切入混音,驯服激进的低音线或增强微妙的空间回响。 Squasher非常易于使用,听起来很棒。
Multiband Imager是另一个很棒的工具,可以帮助您获得更好,更清洁的混音。您最多可以将音频轨道独立地放置在立体声场中的四个频段中,从而可以扩展或减小声音的立体声宽度。单独的范围和相关性显示可帮助您获得绝对完美的平移。
使用SpectraLayers One进行视觉编辑
SpectraLayers One是广受赞誉的可视音频编辑工具的紧凑版本。 SpectraLayers One可让您以惊人的效果可视化和清理音频。但是还有更多。借助最新的信号源分离引擎,您可以将人声部分与任何类型的音轨分离。无论您是要混音您喜欢的歌曲还是创建混搭,SpectraLayers One都可以帮助您入门。
受到鼓舞并立即开始在Cubase 11中制作六组新的,独特的声音和循环集。格莱美奖得主Beat Butcha带来了一股嘶嘶作响的嘻哈音乐。好莱坞的音响设计师Robert Dudzic为电影预告片带来了Noir包装,每一个声音都讲述一个故事。而Black Octopus Sound(以许多当前制作中的样本而闻名)贡献了四套独家音乐:Lo-fi嘻哈,Dancefloor Tech House,人声和80年代Synth Wave。
Cubase Elements扩展:
最大采样率高达384 kHz
64位Windows 10版本1909、64位Windows 10版本2004
Cubase Elements welcomes you to the world of Cubase, offering a streamlined music production environment with plenty of features that help seize the moment when musical creativity strikes. Sharing the same pristine audio quality as its larger siblings in the Cubase family, Cubase Elements provides the perfect starting point for intuitive song writing, studio-grade recordings and finalizing your mix. Do you want to elevate your sound to a new level? Cubase Elements is your next step.
Follow the flow
Cubase Elements can keep up with the pace with which your ideas flow. Whether you want to record your instruments and vocals or program cutting-edge beats, you will find all the creative tools and features in Cubase Elements that will guarantee an efficient and rewarding workflow. Improve your tracks with professional and precise editing and mixing capabilities and polish you productions with the top-notch channel strip in the integrated MixConsole — just exactly to the standards you expect from a Cubase-line product.
Get your private assistants
Composing music consists of finding an idea that you can elaborate into a full music composition. Cubase Elements makes it easy to harmonize and arrange your music with the innovative and unique Chord Pads and Arranger Track. Regardless whether you’re looking for further inspiration, a quick and easy way to play chords or try out different arrangements, Cubase Elements offers you maximum flexibility combined with a lightweight user interface to refine your ideas and get the best out of your music.
Your sound of music
Stay a step ahead of the rest with powerful instruments and awesome sounds. HALion Sonic SE, Groove Agent SE and Prologue — Cubase Elements provide a vast array of high-end sampled instruments, uplifting acoustic and electronic drums and grooves, state-of-the-art synths and experimental sound design tools. With the acclaimed VST Amp Rack tone suite all the amps you need stand right by your side to give your music that very individual tone.
New in 11
Cubase 11 comes with a vast range of workflow and performance improvements, as well as exciting new ways to find inspiration and improve your productions. No matter what your musical goals are, Cubase 11 will help you to reach them.
Simpler Stems
In most DAWs, printing stems is a repetitive and time-consuming task. Cubase Pro 11 makes this job much faster, less prone to errors and way more convenient. Sync your export selection to the selection in your project. Create and restore file format presets. Export the full signal path, including master bus effects, to truly replicate the mix. Cubase Pro 11 even lets you collect your export jobs and export the whole queue in one go while you grab a coffee.
Sample. Slice. Move. Glide.
The Sampler Track in Cubase 11 has a number of great new features to discover. The new slicing mode chops up your loops so they’re ready to play with just a click. There are now two global LFOs available to add motion and a catch to your sounds. You can go for a vintage feel or the highest fidelity with the sample engine’s new quality modes. Then there’s the new mono legato glide, perfect for riding 808 basslines… and more!
Your Personal Scale Assistant
The Scale Assistant is a superb addition to your songwriting toolkit. You can set your song’s scale in the Key Editor and follow its lead, quantize a solo to the scale or play live in perfect tune. You can change the view to only see the notes of the set scale. You can even let the Scale Assistant analyze your MIDI recording and suggest the right scale. Now there are no more excuses for wrong notes!
Perfect Bends
Cubase 11 brings a huge improvement to the Key Editor’s functionality. You can now create ramps and curves in the CC and Pitch Bend lanes, just like you are used to with automation. Set your pitch bend steps to semitones and you will always be perfectly in tune. All of your CC edits can also be conveniently copied to another MIDI track, while MIDI notes can now be deleted with a simple, fast double-click.
Amazingly Precise Dynamic EQ
There are many reasons why you should use dynamic equalization to get a better mix and, with Frequency 2, there are now no reasons why you shouldn’t. Each of its eight bands can be individually set to dynamic mode, making the filter node dependent on the input signal for amazingly precise dynamic mixing. And, even better, Cubase 11 allows you to set a different side-chain for each band by making use of the multiple side-chain architecture of VST 3.
Enhanced Synchronization
Staying in sync with tempo changes or markers is crucial when composing any kind of music. Cubase 11 makes your life easier with Global Tracks now able to be displayed in the Key Editor. With no need to leave the Key Editor anymore, this great visual reference will keep your compositions moving along quickly and creatively.
Enhance EDM with Squasher
Electronic dance music productions need Squasher! This dynamic tool combines up and down compression for up to three bands, making it super flexible in many situations. Use it to help your lead sounds cut through the mix, tame aggressive bass lines or enhance subtle, spacey reverberation. Squasher is amazingly easy to use and it sounds fantastic.
New Score Editor Features and Fonts
The Score Editor was enhanced with lots of great additions and improvements. The new Properties tab lets you instantly access the matching options and settings of your notation and, with the Note Editing Overlay, you can edit notes as conveniently as in the Key Editor. There are more workflow improvements, and the Score Editor now also supports the SMuFL font format, which will bring Dorico’s beautiful Bravura and Petaluma fonts to Cubase.
The multiband Imager is another great tool that will help you to get a better, cleaner mix. You can place audio tracks in the stereo field independently in up to four bands, allowing you to expand or reduce the stereo width of your sound. The individual scope and correlation displays help you to get your panning absolutely perfect.
Visual Editing with SpectraLayers One
SpectraLayers One is a compact version of the acclaimed visual audio editing tool. SpectraLayers One allows you to visualize and clean up your audio with stunning results. But there is even more. Thanks to the state-of-the-art source separation engine, you can separate the vocal part from any kinds of audio tracks. Whether you want to remix your favorite song or create mash-ups, SpectraLayers One helps you to get started.
Super SuperVision
SuperVision is a fully customizable, multimeter audio analyzer for professional productions. You can choose out of several different modules for level, spectral, phase and waveform analysis, creating your own custom layout with up to nine module slots to give you a supremely accurate visual picture of your sound.
Inspiring New Sample Sets
Be inspired and instantly start producing with six new, exclusive sound and loop sets in Cubase 11. Grammy-winner Beat Butcha contributes a sizzling pack of hip hop heat. Go-to Hollywood sound designer Robert Dudzic brings the Noir pack for cinematic trailers, where every sound tells a story. And Black Octopus Sound — well known for their samples in many current productions — contributes four exclusive sets: Lo-fi hip hop, Dancefloor Tech House, Vocal lines and ’80s Synth Wave.
and more…
Cubase Elements eXTended:
Number of audio tracks up to unlimited
Number of MIDI tracks up to unlimited
Number for instrument tracks up to unlimited
Physical inputs and outputs up to 256
Group channels up to 256
FX return channels up to 64
Number insers up to 16
Number of included audio effect plugins up to 64
Max samplerate up to 384 kHz
OMF, AAF, MXF import/export
Nuendo project import
5.1 surround
ARA2 extension support
Whats new in this version:
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
64-bit Windows 10 Version 1909, 64-bit Windows 10 Version 2004