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清晰的语音是流媒体内容、电影和电视的音频叙事中最重要的元素。 Nuendo 12 包括许多新功能和改进,以帮助确保不仅清晰地听到对话,而且声音设计师和后期制作工作室可以尽可能快速、准确和高效地工作。 凭借对话录音和编辑、制作基于耳机的双耳混音等重要的新功能,Nuendo 12 堪称真正的对话之家。
Clear speech is the most essential element in the audio narrative of streamed content, film and television. Nuendo 12 includes many new features and improvements to help make sure that dialogue is not only clearly heard, but sound designers and post-production studios can work as quickly, accurately and efficiently as possible. With headline new features for dialogue recording and editing, producing headphone-based binaural mixes and more, Nuendo 12 can truly be called the Home of Dialogue.