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Steinberg WaveLab Cast 2.0.50 MacOS

Steinberg宣布WaveLab專業音頻軟件家族的新成員WaveLab Cast,這是一款針對播客和音頻聲音工作者打造的音頻錄音、編輯和發行軟件,可爲你的聲音提供豐富的編輯、重塑和改進錄音質量的工具,讓播客的聲音變得專業起來。

WaveLab Cast可以做到:

  • 幫你去掉噪音和嗡嗡聲
  • 編輯音頻片段和場景
  • 加入背景音樂并自動探測人聲做出抽吸閃避效果
  • 音軌側邊欄可提供簡單的雙段均衡處理
  • 還有更多信号處理功能,比如Voice Exciter人聲激勵器、壓縮器和磚牆限制器
  • 發行播客,直接連接五個不同的播客源,包括Spreaker、Podbean和Soundcloud等。

File size: 287 MB

CREATE GREAT SOUND FOR PODCASTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT. If you record, edit and publish podcasts, if you create video content for the likes of Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo or other social media, or if you record interviews or small groups of people in areas such as worship – then WaveLab Cast is the perfect choice for creating perfect audio.

Your perfect podcast. An audible revelation.
Today, subscribers to podcasts and social media platforms expect no less than the best audio and video. Uncompromising quality, intelligibility, clarity and great content are mandatory to win over new fans. WaveLab Cast helps you to create podcasts and interviews with a wide range of high quality, simple-to-use recording, editing, refinement and distribution tools, perfectly suited to achieve stunning results – and to gain more subscribers.

Capture the moment
Created to deliver uncompromising quality, WaveLab Cast supports up to 96 kHz audio in 32 bit. Use it to import audio recordings from a handheld recorder, mixer or similar device. Alternatively, you can record audio from your audio interface directly into WaveLab Cast. Whichever you choose, intelligent setup processes will help you to connect your devices, quickly and reliably.

Audio enhancement and refinement
WaveLab Cast makes your podcast sound spectacularly clear and intelligible. Cut out unwanted noise, blend different parts of an interview by simply moving audio events – WaveLab Cast will create crossfades automatically. Add another audio track to split your recordings across more than one track. Of course, you can also improve the sound with the world’s most easy-to-use collection of audio refinement tools – WaveLab Cast’s integrated Inspector Channel Strip. It allows you to EQ your audio, enhance the presence of speech using the Voice Exciter or give it more punch using the compressor. Use sound correction tools to remove background noise or hum – all without the need of deep technical knowledge! Just turn one or two controls and you will immediately hear the result!

Create stunning podcasts
After polishing your recorded sound, you can add background music and other effects to a new music track to make your podcasts stand out from the masses. To make it sound really professional, the new ducking feature lowers the background music when speech is detected on the voice track. And you can use the Montage Window to easily arrange a whole compilation of different podcasts and recordings, all at once.


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