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Steinberg WaveLab Elements 12.0.20 WIN

File size: 374 MB

WaveLab Elements 是一款音频编辑和母带处理软件,专为业余音乐家、广播自由职业者和家庭工作室所有者量身定制。 基于经过批准的 WaveLab Pro 母带处理解决方案,WaveLab Elements 突出了经过验证的编辑和分析工具、有价值的修复和母带处理插件选择、CD 刻录引擎等等 – 所有这些都可以通过直观的用户界面进行访问。

便于使用。 快速获得结果。 令人信服的品质。
WaveLab Elements 会自动创建交叉淡入淡出,让您可以完全按照您的口味排列、剪切、淡入淡出和混合音乐和声音。 它配备了一系列易于使用的模块,组合在一个方便的通道条中,可帮助您改善母带的声音。 “单旋钮”概念意味着您可以立即实时听到声音操控的结果。

均衡您的音乐,使用语音激励器增强语音,并使用压缩器模块使整个混音更具冲击力 – 您无需深入了解音频技术即可创造出色的效果! 如果您想探索更多可能性,WaveLab Elements 的 Master 部分包含 20 多个附加 VST 插件,其中包括源自 WaveLab Pro 的强大 MasterRig 套件。 在 WaveLab Elements 中,MasterRig 包含五个录音室级模块,包括限制器、均衡器、压缩器、饱和器和成像器,提供了多种工具选择,可以通过冲击力、饱和度和更多临场感来改善录音的声音。

精确计量。 多种文件格式
使用光谱仪、电平表和示波器等计量选项跟踪您的频率。 完成后,您可以将音频渲染为超过 15 种不同的文件格式,包括 WAV 和 MP3,准备在几乎任何音乐平台上发布。

当需要快速、精确地编辑音频时,WaveLab Elements 已准备就绪。 专用的音频编辑器工作区提供了多种处理工具可供选择,每个需要确保其音频始终正确的人都非常重视这些工具。 高品质缩放功能提供低至单个样本级别(微秒)的视图; 时间拉伸、音调变换和相位反转工具可以用来操纵您最喜欢的声音。 磁铁捕捉功能可以轻松地组合多个音频文件,且不会重叠。

WaveLab Elements 配备了著名的专业修复套件。 RestoreRig 是您消除不需要的噪音(例如嗡嗡声、咔哒声或风声)的第一站。 与自动查找峰值的全局分析一起,一套全面的功能可帮助您清理和改进您的混音。

WaveLab Elements 可让您录制和制作高质量的播客。 轻松创建专业的编曲,包括声音、音乐和背景效果。 为了使语音和音乐之间的交互听起来真正专业,请使用新的闪避功能,当在语音轨道上检测到语音时,该功能会降低背景音乐。 借助 WaveLab Elements,您可以轻松地一次性整理不同播客和录音的汇编。 创建播客后,您可以将其直接上传到播客目录服务,例如 Spreaker、Podbean 和 Soundcloud。 此外,您还可以使用您自己选择的 FTP 服务器或其他在线存储来创建和发布 RSS 源。


WaveLab Elements is an audio editing and mastering software, perfectly tailored to hobby musicians, radio freelancers and home studio owners. Based on the approved WaveLab Pro mastering solution, the WaveLab Elements highlights proven editing and analysis tools, a valuable selection of restoration and mastering plug-ins, a CD burning engine and much more – all accessible through an intuitive user interface.

Easy to use. Fast results. Convincing quality.
WaveLab Elements automatically creates crossfades, letting you arrange, cut, fade, and blend music and voices exactly to your taste. It comes with a range of easy-to-use modules, combined in a handy channel strip, which help you to improve the sound of your master. The “single knob” concept means that you hear the results of your sound manipulation immediately, in real time.

Mastering-grade effects
EQ your music, enhance speech with the voice exciter and give the entire mix more punch using the compressor module — you need no in-depth knowledge of audio technology to create great results! If you want to explore more possibilities, WaveLab Elements’ Master Section includes more than 20 additional VST plug-ins, among them the mighty MasterRig suite, derived from WaveLab Pro. In WaveLab Elements, MasterRig comprises five studio-grade modules, including Limiter, EQ, Compressor, Saturator and Imager, offering a great choice of tools to improve the sound of your recordings with punch, saturation and more presence.

Precise metering. Multiple file formats
Keep track of your frequencies with metering options including Spectroscope, Level Meter and Oscilloscope. Once finished, you can render your audio into more than 15 different file formats, including WAV and MP3, ready to be published on almost any music platform.

Simple, accurate editing
WaveLab Elements is ready when audio needs to be edited quickly and precisely. A dedicated Audio Editor workspace provides a wide choice of processing tools which are valued by everyone who needs to be certain their audio is always correct. High quality zoom functions provide views down to individual sample level (micro seconds); tools for time stretching, pitch shifting and phase invert are there to manipulate your favorite sounds. The magnet snap functions make it easy to combine several audio files with no overlaps.

Audio clean-up
WaveLab Elements comes with a renowned professional restoration suite. RestoreRig is your first stop for removing unwanted noises, such as buzzes, clicks or wind. Together with Global Analysis, which automatically finds peaks, a comprehensive feature set is at hand to clean-up and improve your mix.

Create stunning podcasts
WaveLab Elements lets you record and produce podcasts in great quality. Easily create professional arrangements including voice, music and background effects. To make the interaction between voice and music sound really professional, use the new ducking feature which lowers the background music when speech is detected on the voice track. With WaveLab Elements you can use easily arrange a compilation of different podcasts and recordings all at once. Once your podcast is created, you can upload it directly to podcast directories services such as Spreaker, Podbean and Soundcloud. In addition, you can create and publish RSS feeds, using your own choice of FTP server or other online storage.


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