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Stickz CHROMA Edm Sample Pack WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 25 March 2023 | 2.79 GB

CHROMA 是迄今为止我们最雄心勃勃的项目。 我们着手创建最终的 EDM 样本包,无论您是初学者还是专业人士,都能提升您的作品。

凭借范围广泛的精确设计的单发、强大的鼓循环、鼓舞人心的乐器循环、随时可用的合成器循环、MIDI 文件、下一级人声,甚至是完整的专业人声——这个包真正拥有您创建音乐所需的一切 国歌。


鼓一枪。 精确设计。
我们想创建最终的 EDM 样本库,毫无疑问,我们完全做到了。 这些鼓的设计非常精确,简直达到了一个全新的水平。 您可以将它们放入任何项目并立即提升您的混音效果。 此外,由于 CHROMA 在制作时考虑到了多功能性,因此您可以找到任何类型的鼓,从 House 到 Future Bass、Trap,甚至 Pop。 需要为您的下一个 Future Bass 热门歌曲收集大量踩踏踢腿吗? 或者也许是新的 House banger 的一些有力的圈套? 这个包拥有一切。

鼓循环。 难以置信的强大。
强大的鼓循环是每个制作人的收藏中必不可少的,而使用 CHROMA,您将获得一系列全新的令人难以置信的循环。 无论您是需要一个快速的鼓声填充来为您的 drop 添加一些风味,一个踩镲循环来提亮您的混音,还是一个完整的鼓声循环来构建一个轨道——CHROMA 都能满足。 BPM 从 90 到 160 不等,适合任何 EDM 流派。

外汇。 可用。 就是这样。
在创建立管、提升器、下降器和冲击等 FX 时,我们将可用性放在第一位。 FX 很少是轨道的主要焦点,因此无论您将它们放入哪种类型的混音中,它们都需要工作。此外,为了为您的混音添加质感和氛围,我们制作了大量的环境 FX 和其他 杂项 FX,如纹理、拟音、乙烯基噪音等。

仪器循环。 几天的灵感。
除了创建可以毫不费力地提升您的混音效果的美妙鼓声之外,我们还确保制作出令人难以置信的吉他循环和钢琴循环库,以激发未来的歌曲。 扎实的钢琴循环和和弦,以及朗朗上口的吉他即兴重复段,就是您在此包中所能找到的。 此外,我们为每个循环重新创建了 MIDI,因此您可以将您的想法更进一步。

合成循环。 你的下一个打击。
像这样引人入胜的合成器循环非常重要。 虽然这些都是 100% 免版税的,并且可以用来构建一个完整的轨道或作为灵感来创建类似的东西,但真正的力量来自于每个循环的包含的词干和 MIDI 文件。 剖析构成专业合成器循环的所有元素并对编曲、声音设计、声音选择和混音技巧进行逆向工程是您从这些循环中获得最大价值的地方。

合成器一枪。 瞬间能量。
无论您是想为即将到来的 Slap House 热门单曲叠加一些低音单曲,还是正在寻找一种激进的弹奏来承载您的下一个 Electro House banger,您都可以在这个庞大的单曲库中找到几乎所有的东西。 One-shot 非常适合快速提出想法或立即为您当前的合成器添加更多深度和强度 – 而 CHROMA 可能拥有您可以在 Internet 上找到的最好的一次性库。

人声循环。 简直令人叹为观止。
Vocal Chops 可以真正将简单的混音提升到一个全新的水平,让一些简单的声音瞬间变得高级。 这就是为什么我们为您制作了这个非常吸引人的人声循环库。 使用它们来增强您的混音,作为灵感,重新切碎它们以创建您自己的人声切块,或围绕它们构建整个音轨 – 无论您做什么,这些切块总是听起来很棒。 作为奖励,我们还为每个循环创建了一个声码版本以获得额外的灵感。

人声。 让您的足迹令人难忘。
我们聘请了专业歌手和词曲作者创作并录制了五首朗朗上口的无伴奏合唱,这样您就可以为下一个曲目标签做好准备。 人声是当今 EDM 的重要组成部分,因为它们确保您的曲目令人难忘一百倍,并从所有其他 EDM 曲目中脱颖而出。 此外,聘请歌手的费用很高——仅这五位歌手,我们就花费了大约 2000 欧元,因此让您轻松获得像这样的专业歌手组合是 CHROMA 的一大优势。 无论您是按原样使用它们、将它们切碎、拉伸还是四处乱放,都取决于您,但它们始终 100% 免版税,因此您不必向任何歌手支付或分享版税。

•2100+ 样本和循环
•包括各种Drum One-shots、Synth One-shots、FX 和5 个完整的人声。


CHROMA has been by far our most ambitious project ever. We set out to create the ultimate EDM sample pack that will level up your productions – no matter if you’re a beginner or pro.

With a wide range of precisely designed one-shots, powerful drum loops, inspiring instrument loops, hit-ready synth loops, MIDI files, next-level vocal chops, and even full professional vocals – this pack truly has everything you need to create an anthem.

We genuinely believe that once producers like you get their hands on this pack, future anthems will be made!

Drum One Shots. Precisely designed.
We wanted to create the ultimate EDM sample library, and without a doubt, we absolutely nailed it. These drums are so precisely designed they are simply on a whole new level. You can throw them into any project and instantly lift up your mix. Also, since CHROMA was made with versatility in mind, you can find drums for any genre from House to Future Bass, Trap, and even Pop. Need a large collection of stomp kicks for your next Future Bass hit? Or perhaps some punchy snares for a new House banger? This pack has it all.

Drum Loops. Incredibly powerful.
Powerful drum loops are a must in every producer’s collection, and with CHROMA, you get a whole new array of incredible loops. It doesn’t matter if you need a quick drum fill to add some flavor to your drop, a hi-hat loop to brighten your mix, or a full drum loop to build a track around – CHROMA has it all. And with BPMs ranging from 90 all the way up to 160, there’s something for any EDM genre.

FX. Usable. That’s it.
We made usability the number one priority when creating FX like risers, uplifters, downlifters, and impacts. FX are rarely the main focus point of a track, so they simply need to work, no matter what type of mix you throw them in. Additionally, to add texture and atmosphere to your mix, we crafted a vast collection of ambience FX and other miscellaneous FX like textures, foley, vinyl noise, and others.

Instrument Loops. Inspiration for days.
Besides creating fantastic drums that will lift up your mix effortlessly, we made sure to also craft an incredible library of guitar loops and piano loops to inspire future anthems. Solid piano loops and chords, as well as nothing but catchy guitar riffs, is what you’ll find in this pack. Additionally, we re-created the MIDI for every single loop so you can take your ideas even a step further.

Synth Loops. Your next hit.
Catchy synth loops like these are so important to have. While these are 100% royalty-free and can be used to build a whole track around or as inspiration to create something similar, the true power comes in the included stems and MIDI files for each loop. Dissecting all the elements that make up a professional synth loop and reverse-engineering the arrangement, sound design, sound selection, and mixing tricks is where you get the most value out of these loops.

Synth One Shots. Instant energy.
Whether you want to stack some bass one-shots for your upcoming Slap House hit or are looking for an aggressive pluck to carry the drop of your next Electro House banger, you’ll find pretty much everything in this massive one-shot library. One-shots are perfect for laying out ideas quickly or instantly adding more depth and strength to your current synths – and CHROMA has probably the best one-shot library you’ll find on the internet.

Vocal Chop Loops. Simply breathtaking.
Vocal chops can genuinely take a plain mix on a whole new level and make something simple sound advanced in an instant. That’s why we crafted this immensely catchy library of vocal chop loops for you. Use them to enhance your mix, as inspiration, re-chop them to create your own vocal chops, or build a whole track around them – whatever you do, it will always sound fantastic with these chops. As a bonus, we also created a vocoded version for each loop for extra inspiration.

Vocals. Make your tracks memorable.
We hired professional singers and songwriters to write and record five catchy acapellas, so you can make your next track label-ready. Vocals are a big part of EDM nowadays since they ensure that your track is a hundred times more memorable and stands out from all the other EDM tracks. Also, hiring vocalists is expensive – we spent roughly €2.000 for these five vocals alone, so giving you easy access to professional vocals in a pack like this is a big perk of CHROMA. Whether you use them as-is, chop them up, stretch them, or pitch them around, is up to you, but they are always 100% royalty-free, so you don’t have to credit or share royalties with any vocalists.

•2100+ Samples & Loops
•Includes various Drum Loops, Instrument Loops, Synth Loops, and Vocal Chop Loops.
•Includes various Drum One-shots, Synth One-shots, FX, and 5 full Vocals.

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