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Sunday Supply Weekend Gloss WAV

HiDERA | 3 April 2021 | 1 GB


Weekend Gloss由Nathan Miller(又名Icarus Moth),Ray Brady(Santigold的音乐总监)和D Mills共同创建,这三位经验丰富的制作人共同创建了一个庞大的样本包,其中充满了现代电子灵魂音乐,并注入了沉重的摇摆声,长毛绒和弦,还有很多反弹。该套件旨在为任何嘻哈,R&B或未来节拍制作者提供灵活的选择,其中包括过滤后的打击垫,软键,单线和令人上瘾的吉他舔声。 Weekend Gloss结合了清脆的声音设计的鼓,复古的感觉和令人着迷的声码器旋律,可为您的下一个制作毫不费力地营造出流畅的氛围。


It’s Saturday night as you drive through the city past an array of neon lights. The pavement is still warm from a long day of sun. Cool air flows through the windows and the smell of barbecue and gasoline fills your nose. The timeless sounds of Moog synths, gliding vocoders, smooth guitar, and wavy pads glued to tight drums knock through the car speakers. Nothing but nighttime feel-good driving music made for the soul. Welcome to the world of Weekend Gloss.

Weekend Gloss is created by Nathan Miller (aka Icarus Moth), Ray Brady (musical director of Santigold), and D Mills, three seasoned producers combined to create a voluminous sample pack filled with modern electronic soul music infused with heavy swing, plush chords, and lots of bounce. Designed to be flexible for any hip hop, R&B, or future beats producer, this pack includes filtered pads, soft keys, mono-leads, and addictive guitar licks. Combining crisp sound-designed drums with a vintage feel and mesmerizing vocoder melodies, Weekend Gloss sets an effortlessly smooth vibe for your next production.

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