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Superb Sound – West Coast G Funk (MPC Expansion)

WAV / XPN| 0.98 GB

MPC Expansion 加载了广泛的乐器和鼓,将为您带来经典的西海岸 G Funk 嘻哈音乐。 声音灵感来自游戏中最好的嘻哈制作人之一,如 Dr. Dre、Dj Battlecat、Dj Quik 等。

“西海岸 G Funk”到底是什么?

“West Coast G Funk”MPC 扩展包含 82 个多采样程序乐器和 122 个击鼓、鼓循环、fx、单发、wav 格式的对话盒镜头。 我们使用模拟硬件合成器创建了这些乐器。 从本质上讲,我们为您带来了经典的西海岸 G Funk 嘻哈音乐。 这一次,我们的灵感来自传奇制作人,如 Dr. Dre、DJ Battlecat、Dj Quik 等。 因此,这就是制作兴奋剂所需的一切,而听起来像火的 G-Funk 直接跳出框外。 此外,我们在键组程序中添加了 LFO 调制和 Insert FX,为您提供令人惊叹的声音。 因此,您可以根据自己的喜好和兴趣调整设置。 最重要的是,我们优化了“西海岸 G Funk”MPC 扩展,以便在独立模式下更好地使用。

您可以在 MPC One、Live / MPC X 或 Force 中加载多达 47 个甚至更多的多采样键组程序(乐器)。 这足以让您一次制作一整张专辑。

您是否在市场上想要通过单击按钮在节拍中脱颖而出的高级乐器和鼓? 好吧,你来对地方了。 此扩展包当然拥有制作精彩节拍所需的一切,一切尽在您的指尖。

缺乏灵感或有节拍块? 查看我们的预制 MIDI 和弦进行包,让您立即开始! MPC 和弦

现在是时候让您的 MPC/Force 升温并制作一些火力节拍了!


独立模式:MPC Live、MPC Live MKII、MPC X、MPC One、MPC Key 61 和 Force。
控制器模式:MPC 2 和 MPC Beats Software(Windows 和 Mac OSX)、Mpc Touch、Mpc Studio 和 Mpc Renaissance。


17低音| 3 把吉他 | 5 铃铛 | 13 键 | 12 条线索 | 4 种管弦乐器(铜管和弦乐)| 10 片 | 5 颗 | 11 合成器 | 2人声

鼓:5 个鼓环 | 18 次踢球 | 26 顶帽子 | 21 圈套与鼓掌 | 16打击乐器| 6 外汇 | 12 一次射击 | 18 个对话盒镜头
561 Mb Xpm 安装文件,747 MB 未压缩,总共 1105 个示例加上安装说明 PDF 文件。


MPC Expansion loaded with a wide range of instruments and drums that will bring you that classic West Coast G Funk Hip Hop sound. Sounds inspired by one of the best hip hop producers in the game like Dr. Dre, Dj Battlecat, Dj Quik and more.

What exactly is “West Coast G Funk”?

The “West Coast G Funk” MPC expansion is packed with 82 multi-sampled program instruments and 122 drum hits, drum loops, fx, one-shots, talkbox shots in wav format. We created these instruments using analog hardware synths. In essence, we brought you the sound of classic West Coast G Funk Hip Hop. This time we were inspired by legendary producers such as Dr. Dre, DJ Battlecat, Dj Quik, and more. Therefore, it’s everything you need to make dope, and fire sounding G-Funk beats straight outside of the box. Additionally, we added LFO modulation and Insert FX to the key-group programs providing you with an amazing sound. As a result, you can tweak the settings according to your taste and interest. Most importantly, we have optimized the “West Coast G Funk” MPC expansion for better usage in standalone mode.

You can load up to 47 and even more multi-sampled key-group programs (instruments) in your MPC One, Live / MPC X, or Force. That’s more than enough for you to make a whole album in one session.

Are you in the market for premium instruments and drums that stand out in your beats at the click of a button? Well, you’re in the right place. This expansion certainly has everything you need to make great beats, all at your fingertips.

Lack of inspiration or having a beat block? Check out our pack with pre-made midi chord progressions that will instantly get you going! MPC Chords

Now is time for you to heat up your MPC/ Force and make some fire beats!


Standalone mode: MPC Live, MPC Live MKII, MPC X, MPC One, MPC Key 61 and Force.
Controller mode: MPC 2 and MPC Beats Software (Windows and Mac OSX), Mpc Touch, Mpc Studio, and Mpc Renaissance.

Included Content:

17 Bass | 3 Guitars | 5 Bells | 13 Keys | 12 Leads | 4 Orchestral Instruments (Brass & Strings) | 10 Pads | 5 Plucks | 11 Synths | 2 Vocals

Drums: 5 Drum Loops | 18 Kicks | 26 Hats | 21 Snares & Claps | 16 Percussion | 6 Fx | 12 One Shots | 18 Talkbox Shots
561 Mb Xpm Installation file, 747 MB uncompressed, 1105 samples in total plus installation instructions PDF file.

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