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Swing风格素材 – RV Samplepacks Electro Swing 2 WAV REX MiDi

Yoghee | 24/03/2021 | 520,5 MB

RV Sample Packs展示了Electro Swing 2,这是1920年启发式电子产品的第二个摇摆品,具有灰尘的留声机即兴演奏,弯曲的老式乐器和发fat的现代回响。从Loopmasters获得这些样品100%免版税,并带有循环,点击和采样器补丁,使舞厅焕发活力!
受到Caravan Palace,Parov Stelar,Swing Republic等艺术家的启发,Electric Swing 2为您带来20年代和30年代的经典声音样本,包括人声,号角和老式乙烯基编曲,再加上超胖的现代电子鼓,您将拥有一切您需要创建完整的Electro Swing作品。


所有内容均经过速度同步并带有密钥标签,可立即集成到您的DAW中。 Electro Swing 2的输出为124-125BPM,非常适合Electro,Breaks,Garage和许多版本的House。

详细地说,期望找到490 MB的内容,所有音频都为24Bit 44.1KHZ。有59个鼓声部回圈,29个老式组合回响,22个顶部鼓回声,18个声学低音回响,15个人声回响,12个钢琴回响,10个全鼓回响。有27个Fx单发。还包括165个Rex2文件和14个Midi文件。


RV Sample Packs present Electro Swing 2 – a second swinging collection of 1920’s inspired electro featuring dusty gramophone riffs, warped vintage instruments and fat modern backbeats. Get these samples 100% royalty free from Loopmasters, with loops, hits and sampler patches to set the ballroom alive! 

Inspired by artists such as Caravan Palace, Parov Stelar, Swing Republic and more Electro Swing 2 brings you classic sounding samples from the 20’s and 30’s, including vocals, horns and vintage vinyl orchestrations, add to that a super fat modern electro drums you have everything you need for creating full Electro Swing productions.

Content is divided into bass, drums, music and vocals. Musical elements are well catered for with a timeless range of pianos, clarinets and vintage multi-instrument combos, and with drum elements divided into tops, kicks, hats, claps and full loops. As well as the loops and one-shots, there are 58 sampler patches, 49 midi loops and 235 Rex2 loops to inspire your next production.

All content is tempo synced and key-labelled for instant integration into your DAW. At 124-125BPM, Electro Swing 2 is ideal for Electro, Breaks, Garage and many versions of House.

In detail, expect to find 490 MB of content, with all audio at 24Bit 44.1KHZ. There are 59 Drum Part Loops, 29 Vintage Combo Loops, 22 Top Drum loops, 18 Acoustic Bass Loops, 15 Vocal Loops, 12 Piano Loops, 10 Full Drum Loops. There are 27 Fx one-shots. Also included are 165 Rex2 Files and 14 Midi Files.

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