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Tamuz The Tribute Vol.2 WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 17 September 2023 | 458 MB

作为 Jay Dee 的终身粉丝,Tamuz 一直深受 Dilla 音乐中强劲的鼓声和未量化的节奏的启发; 这个休息库是向 G.O.A.T. 致敬。 具有 100 个 Break 和 100 个 one-shot 鼓,从头开始创建,并以 J.Dilla 的风格演奏。

致敬卷。 2 捕捉了 J Dilla 鼓制作风格的深情精神。 发挥 Soulquarians 的魔力、D’Angelo 的深情共鸣以及 Questlove 的节奏技巧,创作属于自己的音乐杰作。

所有中断均带有 BPM 标签并格式化为 24 位 WAV(与所有 DAW 和采样器兼容)


As a lifelong fan of Jay Dee, Tamuz has always been heavily inspired by the hard-hitting drum sounds and unquantized grooves that characterized Dilla’s music; this break library is a tribute to the G.O.A.T. Features 100 breaks and 100 one-shot drums created from scratch and played in the style of J.Dilla.

The Tribute Vol. 2 captures the soulful spirit of J Dilla’s drum production style. Channel the Soulquarians’ magic, D’Angelo’s soulful resonance, and Questlove’s rhythmic finesse as you craft your own musical masterpieces.

All breaks are BPM labelled and formatted as 24-bit WAV (compatible with all DAW and samplers)

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