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Tane The Sauce Pack Vol.3 WAV

WAV  | 777.36 MB

Dotan ‘ Tane ‘ Bergman從工作室廚房返回與’醬包卷3 ‘,提供另一批俏皮的聲音來調味你的節拍。

🥁150惡臭的鼓破和循環:引導J Dilla和D ‘Angelo的振動,隻需拖放這些硬打擊免版稅鼓破到你的DAW注入你的軌道與秘密醬料!

👊🏻125 punch chy Drum One Shots:爲希望在節拍中注入一些嚴肅的巴掌的節拍制作者提供的終極工具包。

️125 FX和Melodic一個鏡頭:添加一些香料到你的節奏與醇厚的鋼琴琴鍵,黃油羅茲紋理,厚低音,肮髒的模糊吉他音調和空間實驗合成器的聲音。





Dotan ‘Tane’ Bergman returns from the studio kitchen with ‘The Sauce Pack Vol. 3’, serving up another batch of saucy sounds to spice up your beats.

🥁150 Stanky Drum Breaks and loops: Channeling the vibes of J Dilla and D’Angelo, just drag and drop these hard hitting royalty-free drum breaks into your DAW to infuse your tracks with the secret sauce!

👊🏻125 Punchy Drum One Shots: The ultimate toolkit for beatmakers looking to inject some serious slap to their beats.

🌶️ 125 FX and Melodic One shots: Add some spice to your beats with mellow piano chops, buttery rhodes textures, thick bass sounds, grimy fuzzy guitar tones and spacy experimental synth sounds.

🔥 24 Percussion and Hat Loops: Just drag and drop these to your DAW to add some swing and fonk to your beats.

🎵 5 Exclusive Compositions: Tane brings the heat with 5 compositions (with stems), infusing your beats with soulful vibes, inspired by the sounds of the Soulquarians era.

🎛️ Ready-to-Use: All samples are delivered in 24-bit WAV file format and are BPM-labeled for smooth and easy integration into your production workflow.


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