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The Producer School Eclipse Melodic Techno & House Full Bundle

ADG FST WAV MiDi ALS FLP LOGiCX FXP | AudioZ Exclusive | 576.45 MB

让自己沉浸在 Melodic Techno 与 Eclipse 的未来魅力中,Eclipse 是最新的制作人套件,旨在将您的曲目提升到天上的高度。

Producer School 推出了这款突破性的样本包,旨在融合复杂的节奏、空灵的旋律和脉动的低音,概括了 Melodic Techno 宇宙的精髓。 Eclipse 提供了一个广泛的工具包,其中包含精密设计的样本、循环、预设和 FX:所有这些都旨在将您的 Melodic Techno 项目推向新的高度。

受到 Tale of Us、Massano、Adriatique、Innellea 等杰出人物的启发,Eclipse 不仅仅是一个样本包,它是您进入情感与技术的音乐表达领域的门票。

潜入其中,让 Eclipse 照亮您掌握 Melodic Techno 的道路。

深沉的底鼓、黑暗的拍手和充满活力的鼓循环 – Eclipse 提供了广泛的顶级免版税样本选择,可即插即用,适用于任何 DAW。

10 拍手
10 顶帽子
23 踢
10 顶开放帽
40 打击乐
10 军鼓
10 汤姆斯

10 种气氛
10 个下过滤器
10 影响
5 次短扫
10 个立管
10 提升者

5 次短填充
10 长填充
5 个原声帽循环
10 帽子垂耳兔
15 个打击乐循环
10 个顶部循环

20 次合成镜头
20 次低音射击

在旋律优美的 techno 曲目中,您经常会听到令人振奋和催眠的人声,其中带有大量效果。 我们创作了一些完全免版税的一流声音。

预设:110+ 血清预设 1.357+

FL Studio 21、Ableton Live 11 和 Logic Pro 10.7 项目文件
一直想了解 Melodic Techno 曲目的编曲、混音或声音设计? 现在您有机会访问 3 个专业项目文件,分别用于 FL Studio、Ableton 和 Logic Pro。

引人注目的循环可以成为您曲目的完美起点。 Eclipse 具有广泛的琶音循环、低音凹槽和合成器模式。 一切都带有 MIDI 文件和调标签。



The Sounds Of Melodic Techno
Immerse yourself in the futuristic allure of Melodic Techno with Eclipse, the latest producer suite designed to elevate your tracks to celestial heights.

The Producer School presents this groundbreaking sample pack tailored to blend intricate rhythms, ethereal melodies, and pulsating bass, encapsulating the essence of the Melodic Techno universe. Eclipse provides an extensive toolkit filled with precision-engineered samples, loops, presets, and FX: all intended to drive your Melodic Techno projects to new heights.

Inspired by luminaries such as Tale of Us, Massano, Adriatique, Innellea and more, Eclipse is not just a sample pack— it’s your ticket to a realm of musical expression where emotion meets technology.

Dive in and let Eclipse illuminate your path to Melodic Techno mastery.

Ready-to-Use Samples
Deep kicks, dark claps, and energizing drum loops—Eclipse offers an expansive selection of top-tier, royalty-free samples that are plug-and-play ready for any DAW.

10 Claps
10 Closed Hats
23 Kicks
10 Open Hats
40 Percussion
10 Snares
10 Toms

10 Atmospheres
10 Downfilters
10 Impacts
5 Short Sweeps
10 Risers
10 Uplifters

5 Short Fills
10 Long FIlls
5 Acoustic Hat Loops
10 Hat Lops
15 Percussion Loops
10 Top Loops

20 Synth Shots
20 Bass Shots

Royalty Free Vocals
In a melodic techno tracks you often hear uplifting and hypnotizing vocals with a lot of FX on it. We created some top-notch vocals that are completely royalty-free.

Presets: 110+ Presets for Serum 1.357+

FL Studio 21, Ableton Live 11 & Logic Pro 10.7 Project Files
Always wanted to know the arrangement, mixing or sound design of a Melodic Techno track? Now is your chance to get access to 3 professional project files, both for FL Studio, Ableton and Logic Pro.

Mesmerizing Loops
A compelling loop can be the perfect starting point for your track. Eclipse features an extensive range of arpeggiated loops, bass grooves, and synth patterns. Everything with MIDI file and key-label.

Full Bundle: Presets, Loops, Samples, Vocals, Effect Racks

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