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Toontrack Fretless EBX v1.0.0 SOUNDBANK

Toontrack Fretless EBX v1.0.0 (SOUNDBANK)|Samples, multi-libraries| 295.5 MB



Fretless EBX配有精心挑选的仪器,并以最大的细节采样,以捕获所有这些独特的特征。除了声音之外,它还包括多种预设,以及针对无品乐演奏风格量身定制的可定制MIDI内容。

无品格是由斯汀,莱斯·克莱普尔,伯纳德·奥杜姆,皮诺·帕拉迪诺,加里·威利斯以及加科·帕斯托里乌斯(Jaco Pastorius)之类的音乐人永久保留的,无品格确实地成为了低音世界中的神话人物-尊重他的音调,但又担心他的深刻复杂性。无论您要写哪种风格,都欢迎使用低音,它涵盖了克服两端所需要的所有动态和音调范围。这是一种低音,使您可以在线条之外画出声音。字面上地。

•A meticulously captured fretless, top-shelf bass
•Includes a collection of presets covering a broad range of tones – from dark and mellow to bright and articulate
•For use in any style where the bass has a prominent role
•Includes a custom MIDI library tailored for the instrument and fretless playing styles

At first glance, no one would have thought that removing the seemingly insignificant metal rods separating the notes on the bass guitar fretboard would open up a whole new harmonic panorama and turn it into an almost completely new instrument. But it really is. Sublime and high-pitched violin character, almost weightless glissando, rich, full and hearty sustain and incredibly unique overall expressiveness are qualities that make it impossible to confuse it with traditional bass. It is produced by a subtle vibrato or just a beat of one note.

The Fretless EBX comes with a carefully selected instrument sampled with maximum detail to capture all of these unique characteristics. Besides sounds, it also includes a wide selection of presets, as well as customizable MIDI content tailored for fretless playing styles.

Perpetuated by musicians such as Sting, Les Claypool, Bernard Odum, Pino Palladino, Gary Willis and, of course, Jaco Pastorius, the fretless has truly become a mythical creature in the bass world – respected for his tone but feared for his deep complexity. No matter what style you want to write in, welcome to bass that encompasses all the dynamic and tonal range needed to overcome both ends. This is the bass that allows you to draw with sound – outside the lines. Literally.

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