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Ueberschall Electro Beats Pop ELASTIK

Fresh inspiration for your next electro pop hit. For music, film, TV, advert, radio or online productions.


你的贝斯是否需要更多的冲击力,你的节拍需要更大的力度,你的低音是否需要更深,你的合成器是否需要达到超级英雄的地位?如果是这样,您需要 Electro Beats Pop。作为 Inspire 系列的一部分,Electro Beats Pop 提供了大量超酷的鼓声和超强的合成循环。该图书馆将为电子音乐制作人和媒体作曲家提供理想的源材料,为他们的下一个电子流行音乐寻找新的灵感。

Electro Beats Pop 跨越超过 3.6 GB 的样本数据,包含超过 850 个单独的循环和乐句,长度为 8 个小节。该材料具有 32 个有力的鼓节拍,所有这些都包括完整的鼓混音和单轨循环,用于每个底鼓、军鼓、拍手、踩镲、打击乐和 FX,您可以滚动自己的变化。每个套件可提供多个底鼓,适用于变化或破碎部分。还包括基于合成器的打击乐、模块化合成器打击乐、声音 FX、提升器(合成器提升器)和下扫(合成器下降)的单独集合,以使您的节拍产生最大的影响。

巨大的互补乐器循环集合包括合成贝司、低音提琴、数字合成器、合成琶音、合成器序列、引导线、独奏、垫子,甚至一些很酷的吉他。无论您需要提供深入人心的低端、永不放弃的中端,还是高高在上的领先优势,Electro Beats Pop 都不会让您失望。而且,借助 Elastik 传奇的音高和速度操作工具,来自整个库的混合和匹配循环再简单不过了。

你想让下一部音乐作品有它真正需要的冲击力吗?你的电是电动的吗?你的流行音乐继续流行?然后让自己受到 Inspire 系列的 Electro Beats Pop 的启发。

由 J.Holo 制作


Electro Beats Pop
Does your bass need more punch, your beats to kick harder, your sub to go deeper and your synths to reach super-hero status? If so, you need Electro Beats Pop. As part of the Inspire series, Electro Beats Pop provides a huge collection of super-cool drum beats and super-powered synth loops. This library would make ideal source materials for electronic music producers and media composers looking for fresh inspiration for their next hit of electro pop.

Drum Beats That Punch
Electro Beats Pop spans over 3.6 GB of sample data and contains more than 850 individual loops and phrases with a length of eight bars. The material features 32 punchy drum beats, all of which include a full drum mix and single-track loops for each of the kick, snare, claps, hihat, percussion and FX to you can roll your own variations. Multiple kick drums are available per kit suited for variations or break parts. Separate collections of synth-based percussion, modular synth percussion, sound FX, uplifters (synth risers) and downsweeps (synth drops) are also included to give your beats maximum impact.

Bass And Sub That Deliver A Kick
The huge collection of complementary instrument loops include synth bass, sub bass, digital synths, synth arpeggios, synth sequences, lead-lines, solos, pads and even some cool guitars. Whether you need to deliver a bottom end that strikes deep, a mid-range that never gives up, or a top-end lead-line that soars above the admiring crowd, Electro Beats Pop will not let you down. And, with Elastik’s legendary pitch and tempo manipulation tools, mixing and matching loops from across the entire library couldn’t be easier.

Perfect Toolkit For Electronic Pop Productions
Do you want that next music production to have the punch it needs to really hit? Your electro to be electric? Your pop to keep popping? Then let yourself be inspired by the Inspire Series’ Electro Beats Pop.

Produced by J.Holo

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