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Ueberschall LoFi HipHop Beats ELASTIK

Massive Collection of Drum Grooves. For music, film, TV, advert, radio or online productions.


LoFi HipHop 节拍
无论您是制作 HipHop、LoFi、RnB、Downbeat、Lounge 还是 Chill,您都永远无法拥有足够的鼓点来激发您的灵感。 LoFi HipHop Beats 提供了最酷、最流畅的电子节奏的绝对母负载。包括演奏和编程的 Groove,这个 Elastik 库是一个等待探索的宝箱。

LoFi HipHop Beats 包含 400 多个核心节拍、11 GB 的样本数据以及近 4000 个单独的 4 小节循环和乐句,可提供大量服务。共有 10 种不同的鼓组——复古、有力、经典、次丰富、活泼等等——被用来创建 45 个鼓节拍构建套件,每个鼓组都以演奏和编程版本呈现。 45 种构造套件中的每一种还提供多种凹槽变化。反过来,每个变体都提供完整的干混音、完整的 FX 混音,以及用于大底鼓和深底鼓、军鼓、拍手、按扣、踩镲、嗵鼓和镲片的单独循环层。还提供了两个额外的 FX 循环,可以很容易地与主循环分层。

HipHop、LoFi、RnB 和休息室的理想选择
原始节奏范围从 60 到 98 BPM,这些凹槽非常适合那种慢节奏的感觉。然而,Elastik 强大的速度控制功能让您可以轻松地将律动的速度与现有项目相匹配。此外,Elastik 的 Inspire 功能可以通过创造性地混合和匹配不同凹槽组之间的循环层来创建几乎无限的凹槽组合。

LoFi HipHop Beats 拥有一些真正出色的鼓声、您可能需要的所有声音选项,以及大量既优雅又引人入胜的凹槽,正等着让您的下一个项目顺利开始。对于在 HipHop、LoFi、RnB、Downbeat、Lounge、Chill 或相关音乐风格工作的任何忙碌的制作人来说,这是一个很好的灵感来源。


LoFi HipHop Beats
Whether you’re producing HipHop, LoFi, RnB, Downbeat, Lounge or Chill, you can never have enough drumbeats to drive your inspiration. LoFi HipHop Beats delivers the absolute motherload of the coolest, smoothest, electronic rhythms. Including both played and programmed grooves, this Elastik library is a treasure chest waiting to be explored.

Punchy Drum Sounds Ready To Inspire
Containing over 400 core beats, 11 GB of sample data, and nearly 4000 individual 4-bar loops and phrases, LoFi HipHop Beats has plenty to offer. A total of 10 different drum kits – retro, punchy, classic, sub-rich, snappy and more – were used to create 45 drum beat construction kits, each of which is presented in both played and programmed versions. Each of the 45 construction kits also offers multiple groove variations. In turn, each variation provides both a full dry mix, a full FX mix, and individual loop layers for fat and deep kicks, snares, claps, snaps, hihats, toms and cymbals. Two additional FX loops are also provided and can easily be layered with the main loops.

Ideal For HipHop, LoFi, RnB and Lounge
With original tempos ranging from 60 to 98 BPM, the grooves are perfect to that downtempo feel. However, Elastik’s powerful tempo manipulation features allow you to easily match the tempo of the grooves to an existing project. In addition, Elastik’s Inspire function can create almost limitless groove combinations by creatively mixing and matching loop layers between the different groove sets.

Putting The Smooth Into The Groove
Featuring some truly great drum sounds, all the sonic options you might need, and a massive collection of grooves that manage to be both classy and catchy, LoFi HipHop Beats just waiting to get your next project off to a flying start. A great source of inspiration for any busy producer working in HipHop, LoFi, RnB, Downbeat, Lounge, Chill or related musical styles.

Drums played by Peter Kohlwage, Sounddesign by J.Holo

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