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Ueberschall Synthetic Soundtracks 2 ELASTIK


第 2 集:模拟电源的回归
Synthetic Soundtracks Episode 1: Dawn of Analog Power 开启了进入经典合成器电影配乐世界的雄心勃勃的旅程。第 2 集:模拟电源的回归,代表了这个声音三部曲的下一部分,并提供了另外 10 个基于 Elastik 的巨大构造套件。无论您的配乐需要新的希望感,还是捕捉史诗般的星际战斗,第 2 集都将确保您的音乐与视觉效果一样庞大。

该库包含 4.3GB 样本数据中的 1000 多个循环和样本。每个套件包含 4 或 5 个音乐部分,以及许多循环的处理版本和干版本,还包括单独的鼓声。乐器包括模拟风格、基于合成器的、主音、垫子、琶音、贝司和低音提琴声音,并辅以风琴和电钢琴。还包括声音效果,包括冲击、氛围、升降器和立管。电子和原声鼓的声音都存在,包括军鼓、底鼓、副底鼓、钹和各种电子打击乐器。原始速度范围从 60 到 96bpm,但 Elastik 的高质量速度匹配工具提供了大量额外的速度灵活性。

合成器可能是经典的,但 Synthetic Soundtracks 2 是音乐的未来镜。 Synthetic Soundtracks 2 受到从终结者到银翼杀手 2049 年代的科幻电影的声音、风格和戏剧的启发,让您按下音乐超光速按钮,继续您的史诗般的穿越光年之旅。

由 J.Holo 制作


Episode 2: The Return of Analog Power
Synthetic Soundtracks Episode 1: Dawn of Analog Power provided the start of an ambitious journey into the universe of classic synth-based film scores. Episode 2: The Return of Analog Power, represents the next installment of this sonic trilogy and delivers a further 10, gigantic, Elastik-based, construction kits. Whether your soundtrack needs a sense of new hope, or to capture the epic scale of inter-stellar battles, Episode 2 will ensure your music is as massive as the scale of your visuals.

Epic Music For Epic Scenes
The library contains over 1000 loops and samples across 4.3GB of sample data. Each kit contains between 4 or 5 musical sections and, as well as both processed and dry versions of many of the loops, also includes individual drum sounds. Instruments include analog-style, synth-based, lead, pad, arpeggio, bass and sub-bass sounds and are complemented by organs and electric pianos. Sound effects including impacts, ambiences, lifters and risers are also included. Both electronic and acoustic drum sounds are present and include snares, kicks, sub-kicks, cymbals and various electronic percussion. Original tempos range from 60 to 96bpm but Elastik’s high-quality tempo-matching tools provide for plenty of additional tempo flexibility.

Ideal For Futuristic Soundtracks
The synths may be classic, but Synthetic Soundtracks 2 is a musical futurescope. Inspired by the sounds, styles and drama of sci-fi films that span the ages from The Terminator to Blade Runner 2049, Synthetic Soundtracks 2 lets you press the musical hyperdrive button and continue your epic journey across the lightyears.

Produced by J.Holo

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