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UNKWN Sounds Jet (Compositions and Stems) WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 14 February 2023 | 562 MB

UNKWN很高兴发布Jet。这个样本包包含10个原创作品,从r&b, lofi,和各种其他混合流派。在过去的几周里,UNKWN与歌手兼艺术家bliss Jones一起合作,使用了直立钢琴、铃铛、木吉他、电吉他等现场乐器。以及一系列模拟合成器,从穆格到臭名昭著的先知6。这些样本会为你的下一个节拍或项目点燃瞬间的灵感。

bliss Jones是一名歌手兼词曲作者,目前来自华盛顿特区,一直在开拓新的声音和旋律安排,以创造他的标志性声音。这些可以从那个项目的许多样本中听到。使用他的家庭录音设备,bliss想出了一些舒缓但朗朗上口的旋律和和声UNKWN流畅的和弦进展和声音设计。在这个包中,他们有时独唱和声,在轨道中创造了潜在的时刻,可以真正吸引听众,想要回来更多。



UNKWN is pleased to release Jet. This sample pack contains 10 original compositions ranging from r&b, lofi, and a variety of other hybrid genres. For the past few weeks UNKWN alongside vocalist & artist Blest Jones have been collaborating using live instrumentation such as the upright piano, bells, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, etc.. and a collection of analog synthesizers, from the Moog to the notorious Prophet 6. These samples will ignite instant inspiration for your next beat or project.

Blest Jones is a singer / songwriter currently based out of DC and has been trailblazing new sounds and melody arrangements to create his iconic sound. These can be heard through many of the samples in that project. Using his at home recording setup, Blest came up with some soothing yet catchy melodies and harmonies over UNKWN’s smooth chord progressions and sound design. Soloing the harmonies at times through this pack, they’ve created potential moments in tracks that can really captivate a listener to want to come back for more.

This pack contains 10 compositions all meticulously mixed and manipulated to give each sample its own unique feel and rhythm. This is a digital download. All sound included are compatible with any DAW or sampled (44.1k)

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