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UVI Soundbank HX-Oddy v1.0.0-R2R WIN

HX-ODDY 提供一系列令人难以置信的新音色和原厂音色,在原 MkI 硬件上构建,然后通过强大的新混合架构进行了增强,具有 3 个基于硬件的波表和采样振荡器,带有丰富的建模滤波器,提供了对复古经典的多功能和创造性的重新构想。

从鼓舞人心的贝斯和主音到广阔的铺底和狂野的效果,HX-ODDY 在强大、现代的声音设计环境中提供了逼真的硬件声音。

利用 UVI 在采样和物理建模方面的深厚历史,HX-ODDY 提供了一种令人兴奋的新方式来探索你所熟悉和喜爱的更广泛的真实硬件声音。控制一对新的基于采样的波表振荡器,提供了更大的定制和更精细的硬件声音表现,然后将它们与我们基于采样的振荡器之一相结合,为你提供了我们精心打造的声音设计功能,一对物理建模的滤波器则提供强大的声音,并具有原始模拟特点。

HX-ODDY 包括一个相当大的预设库,包含 280 多种声音,包括音序,琶音,贝斯,主音,键盘,铺底,铜管,弹拨和铃音,效果音和节奏等。HX-ODDY 由 13,000 多个硬件采样的库组合而成,排列成了 183 层和 485 个波表,听起来栩栩如生,具有真实的模拟的灵魂。丰富的多层架构,包括建模滤波器、强大的调制系统、创造性的琶音器/乐句器以及宏功能和录音室效果器,为你提供了编辑现有预设以完美匹配你的构思或从头开始创建自己声音所需的一切。

Team R2R | 26 Dec 2024 | 3.42GB

The Legend Returns
Powerful, modern reimagining of an iconic vintage analog synth
Unique hardware-based wavetable + physical modeled filter
Explore 280 hand-crafted presets, or create your own

Real Analog SoulHX-ODDY is based on the world’s first duophonic analog synth, a capable and expressive 3-octave keyboard instrument with design heritage from the renowned 2500 and 2600 modular synthesizers. With heaps of configuration potential, oscillator cross-modulation, and its ARP 4023 SVF-like filters, the ODDY explored a broad and unique sonic range, notable both for its ability to mimic natural instruments, and an exceptionally rich analog character.

Portable Powerhouse
Debuting in 1972, it was ahead of its time, offering powerful performance features, outstanding analog sound, color-coded controls, preset patch panel overlays to aid in programming, all contained in a small and portable form-factor. Its unique voice quality and analog character has kept it a sought-after instrument, and while it has seen numerous evolutions and reissues over the years, for us nothing beats the original white-face Mk1, which we used exclusively in the development of HX-ODDY.

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