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UVI Soundbank Urban X v1.0.1-DECiBEL 猎鹰合成器音色

Team DECiBEL | 13 Jan 2025 | 1.48GB

– 3层混合采样合成器与深度编辑功能
-广泛的样本库5800 +声音和150+预设

来自街头的采样合成器,Urban X需要3个功能齐全的合成器声音,包括离散放大器,多模滤波器,音高,立体声和多效果单元,并加载大量适合所有现代音乐风格的声音,包括嘻哈,edm,流行音乐等。

最简单的方法是把Urban X看作是转盘和合成器,但不仅仅是其中的一个-这意味着你可以分层和调整声音来创造全新的声音表达。使用它作为一个简单的样本播放器,复音合成器,或走极端,分层,变形和扭曲的声音狂野的效果。城市X是一个灵活的和完全可定制的仪器,旨在为您的工作流程带来新的声音和创造力。


Unique Tweakable Sample-Synth
– 3-layer hybrid sampler-synth with deep editing capabilities
– Extensive sample library of 5,800+ sounds and 150+ presets
– Intuitive UI and flexible architecture

A sample-synth from the street, Urban X takes 3 of our fully-featured synth voices including discrete amp, multimode filter, pitch, stereo and multi-effect units and loads them with a massive set of sounds ideal for all modern music styles including hip-hop, edm, pop and more.

The easiest way to think of Urban X is turntable meets synthesizer, but not just one-three of them-which means you can layer and tweak sounds to create totally new sonic expressions. Use it as a simple sample player, polyphonic synth, or go extreme, layering, morphing and distorting the sounds for wild effect. Urban X is a flexible and totally-customizable instrument designed to bring new sounds and creativity to your workflow.

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