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Flare | 11 September 2020 | 462 MB

LINNEY令人刺骨的嗓音超越了各种类型,展现了她的多功能性和独特的才能。 LINNEY杰出的歌手兼作词人才能,纯粹的努力和无懈可击的热情使她被Indietronica誉为“制作中的明星”,从而赢得了她的多次成功。她是约翰·列侬(John Lennon)歌曲创作大赛的获胜者,他的音乐曾在周五的新音乐,薄荷,舞蹈起舞,有氧运动,最佳新流行音乐,全新的寒意(Spotify社论),芬兰的芬兰音乐榜上名列前茅,荷兰,泰国,新西兰,并在诸如Riverdale(The CW),Sabrina Chilling Adventures of Sabrina(Netflix),Ghosted:Love Missing(MTV)等电视节目中出现。
这位来自洛杉矶的艺术家以其“难以听清的清晰而引人入胜的歌词”而闻名(PopWrapped),已与世界著名的电子制作人Gareth Emery,Tritonal,Breathe Carolina和Project 46等合作仅举几例。

LINNEY Vocal Pack包括200多个钢琴和人声挂钩。融合了空灵的EDM Pop感觉,此音乐包的声音范围从怀旧浸染的幻想主题直接打入您的内心,再到将让您相信超凡脱俗的爱情的天体主题。 LINNEY先生说:“我希望这个书包能激发您创作出一些最好的作品。从我的内心到您的内心–尽情享受,探索–我迫不及待想听听您的想法!”




LINNEY’s spine-chilling voice transcends genres, showcasing both her versatility and unique talent. Deemed “a star in the making” by Indietronica, LINNEY’s outstanding singer-songwriter talent, sheer drive, and unabridged passion have won her repeated success. She is a John Lennon Songwriting Contest winner, who’s music has been heard on New Music Friday, mint, Dance Rising, Cardio, Best New Pop, Brand New Chill (Spotify Editorials), Top 10 on the Apple Music Charts in Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Thailand, New Zealand, and featured on TV shows such as Riverdale (The CW), The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix), Ghosted: love gone missing (MTV) and more.

Known for her “sharp and catchy lyrics that’ll be hard to get out of your head” (PopWrapped), the LA-based artist has collaborated with the likes of world-renowned electronic producers Gareth Emery, Tritonal, Breathe Carolina and Project 46 to name a few.

The LINNEY Vocal Pack includes over 200 piano and vocal hooks. Featuring a blend of ethereal EDM Pop feels, the sounds in this pack range from anthemic motifs drenched in nostalgia that hit you straight in the heart to celestial themes that will make you believe in other-worldly love. From LINNEY, “I hope this pack inspires you to create some of your best work. From my heart to yours – enjoy, explore – I can’t wait to hear what you come up with!”


· 23 Piano Loops
· 17 Synth Loops
· 127 Vocal Loops
· 60 Vocal One Shots

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