WAV | 1.17Gb
有时,您在地球上的任何地方都找不到所需的声音。 幸运的是,我们有好消息告诉您! 怎么样:来自 W.A. Production 的科幻电影声音和特效从另一个星球来到这里,为您带来来自遥远时空的超凡脱俗的音景。
What about: Scifi Movie Sounds & FX 包含 300 多种独特的声音,将是满足您的制作需求的一针强心剂。 在这个包中,您会发现黑暗的无人机,空灵的打击垫,巨大的音景,爆炸性的影响,巨大的打击乐打击,时间弯曲的 SFX,动态合成主音,重击合成脉冲,以及其他音乐和 MIDI 元素。
如果您需要在科幻小说制作中使用最好的声音,那么您来对地方了。 立即在您的作品中释放此包,感受与众不同!
20 架无人机
20 影响
40 首音乐/曲目
20 片
40 首打击乐歌曲
40 特效
20 个音景
40 条合成主音
40 个合成脉冲
35 个 MIDI 文件
Sometimes, you just can’t find the sounds you need anywhere on earth. Luckily, we have good news for you! What about: Scifi Movie Sounds & FX from W.A. Production has arrived from another planet, here to bring you otherworldly soundscapes from far away in space and time.
Containing more than 300 unique sounds, What about: Scifi Movie Sounds & FX will be a shot in the arm for your production needs. In this pack, you’ll find dark Drones, ethereal Pads, huge Soundscapes, explosive Impacts, colossal Percussion Hits, time-bending SFX, dynamic Synth Leads, thumping Synth Pulses, plus other Music and MIDI elements.
If you need the best sounds to use in your Science Fiction production, you’ve come to the right place. Unleash this pack on your productions today and feel the difference!
Product details:
20 Drones
20 Impacts
40 Music / Tracks
20 Pads
40 Percussion Hits
40 SFX
20 SoundScapes
40 Synth Leads
40 Synth Pulses
35 MIDI Files