DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 30 September 2023 | 817 MB
让自己沉浸在 _drillerz 迷人的音景中。 体验有质感的旋律循环、快速的鼓节奏以及强大的底鼓和军鼓,为您的 Drill 作品带来完美的敲击声。
该套件充满了令人难忘的旋律、经过过滤的灯塔音景、重新采样的主题和滑行的 808 低音贝司。 探索清脆的金属军鼓、滚动的踩镲和基本的打击乐打击乐。 每个循环都经过精心的键标记和速度同步,确保无缝集成到您的项目中。
239 样品
Immerse yourself in the captivating soundscapes of _drillerz. Experience textured melody loops, rapid-fire drum counter rhythms, and powerful kicks and snares that bring the perfect knock to your Drill productions.
This kit is packed with haunting melodies, filtered lighthouse soundscapes, resampled motifs, and gliding 808 Sub Bass. Discover crisp metallic snares, rolling hi-hats, and essential drill percussion hits. Each loop has been meticulously key-tagged and tempo-synced, ensuring seamless integration into your projects.
239 Samples