Soundbank (FXB / SFZ / WAV) – 1,86 GB
ZA2600 – 2 GB 最好的模拟 ARP 2600 补丁
通常被称为合成器的圣杯……确实如此,因为几乎没有任何其他合成器像 ARP 2600 那样具有如此多的“必备”功能。由 ARP Instruments 构建,是目前克隆最多的合成器之一,仅次于 303 . 我们为您节省了成本,并提供了多达 65 个精美的音色,不仅捕捉了原版的模拟特征,而且还准备在您当前的作品中使用。玩得开心!
– 65 个补丁
– 2.1 GB 样本内容
要求:最新版本的 Zampler//RX
ZA2600 – 2 GB of finest analog ARP 2600 patches
Often called the holy grail of synths… and rightly so, as hardly any other synthesizer radiates so much “must have” as the ARP 2600. Built by ARP Instruments and one of the most cloned synthesizers at the moment, next to the 303. We save you the cost and present a whopping 65 exquisite patches that not only capture the analog character of the original, but are also prepared for use in your current productions. Have fun!
– 65 patches
– 2,1 GB sample content
Requirements: latest version of Zampler//RX