《勾引- 80年代的感觉》的美妙之处在于它的独创性。你会听到旋律,声乐特效,节奏和一切之间,这是完全新鲜和新的。从一开始,这个系列就充满了霓虹灯的风格,温暖,诱人,完全可用。它从字面上涵盖了你的所有需求,茎,midi,鼓循环,合成器循环,低音循环,鼓的声音,嘿,价格是值得的,只是为了一个镜头!
给“勾引- 80年代的感觉”在工作室一个小时,你会惊讶于你能创造什么。
FANTASTiC | 22 December 2022 | 587 MB
We’re heading back to the nostalgic 80’s with a pack that will surpass the tests of time. Zenhiser has a larger 80’s sample library than any other label out there and this pack sits with pride of place capturing the feel, sound and ambience of the 80’s.
The beautiful thing about ‘Seduce – 80’s Feels’ is it’s originality. You’ll hear melodies, vocal fx, rhythms and everything in between that’s totally fresh and new. Warm, inviting and utterly usable from the word go, this collection oozes neon style. It literally covers all your needs, stems, midi, drum loops, synth loops, bass loops, drum sounds, hey the price is worth it just for the one shots alone!
Give ‘Seduce – 80’s Feels’ one hour in the studio and you’ll be amazed at what you can create.