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Zenhiser Zone Out WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 21 April 2023 | 531 MB

音乐游乐场变得更有趣了。 “Zone Out”真正进入了其他人不去的地方,深入到一个过渡了 Deep House、Slow House 和 Ketapop 的世界。

期望找到您不知道自己在寻找的东西,听起来像瓜担架吧……。 那么这个样本包会让你重新思考一切。

它将更深层次的元素与声乐实力、简单的节奏与复杂的合成器融合在一起。 就像你认识的朋友在不同的团体之间漂浮,一分钟是旋律技术阵营,下一分钟是深屋,然后是慢屋。 这种漂浮的美妙之处在于不被限制在一种流派、一种声音中。 所有的 stems 都包含在这个集合中,超过 5GB,这是一堆有词干的曲目、节拍、循环、鼓声、midi、one shot 和 fx。

“Zone Out”保证了精致的深度、特性和质量。 它的声音很简单,同时又很饱满。


The musical playground just got a little more interesting. ‘Zone Out’ literally goes where others don’t, deep within a world that transitions Deep House, Slow House & Ketapop.

Expect to find what you didn’t know you were looking for, sounds like a melon stretcher right…. Well this sample pack will have you rethinking everything.

It fuses deeper elements with vocal prowess, simplistic rhythms with intricate synths. It’s like the friend you know that floats between groups, one minute it’s the Melodic Techno camp, next it’s Deep House, then it’s Slow House. The beauty of this flotation is to not be clamped down to one genre, one sound. With all the stems included this collection tolls in at over 5GB, that’s a bundle of stemmed tracks, beats, loops, drum sounds, midi, one shots and fx.

‘Zone Out’ guarantees a refined level of depth, character and quality. It’s simplistic in its sound whilst being full in its presence.

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