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人声素材 – Singomakers – Psytrance Mantra Vocals (Wav)

 Wav | 1.6 GB

“ Psytrance咒语声乐”包含基本的咒语Psy人声,灵感来自该类型的一些最佳艺术家,例如Astrix,Vini Vici,Vertical Mode,Ace Ventura,Astral Projection等。
2017年和2018年是Psytrance的岁月。在此期间,发行了许多顶级艺术家的Psy风格的曲目,不仅来自Psytrance的大牌人物,例如Astrix,Vini Vici,Ace Ventura,还来自EDM英雄,例如KSHMR等。过去的Psy影响力已经与现代流派混合在一起,但最令人瞩目的最重要的事物之一就是催眠咒语。这就是为什么Singomakers非常自豪地展示了这一出色的Psytrance咒语人声合集。
如果您想在Ozora,Summer Eclipse,Psycrowdelica Wedding,Solstice,Sunburn,FullMoon,Vuuv Festival,Iono Music Festival等音乐节上听到自己的曲目,那么此样本包非常适合您。
适用于制作Psytrance,Full-On,果阿Tra,渐进Psy nce,Tra,渐进Tra,电子乐曲,电影,Psystep和任何其他节奏在125-150 BPM之间的流派。

‘Psytrance Mantra Vocals’ contains essential mantra Psy vocals inspired by some of the best artists in the genre, such as Astrix, Vini Vici, Vertical Mode, Ace Ventura, Astral Projection and more.
2017 and 2018 are the years for Psytrance. During this period so many Psy styled tracks from top artists have been released and not only from big Psytrance names like Astrix, Vini Vici, Ace Ventura but also from EDM heroes like KSHMR and more. Old Psy influence has been mixed with modern genres, but always one of the most recognisable and important things being those hypnotic mantra vocals. That’s why Singomakers are super proud to present this brilliant collection of Psytrance mantra vocals.
If you want to hear your tracks in festivals like Ozora, Summer Eclipse, Psycrowdelica Wedding, Solstice, Sunburn, FullMoon, Vuuv Festival, Iono Music Festival then this sample pack is the right one for you.
Suitable for production of Psytrance, Full-On, Goa Trance, Progressive Psy Trance, Trance, Progressive Trance, Electronica, Cinematic, Psystep and any other genre with tempo range between 125-150 BPM.

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