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创意节拍制作插件 XLN Audio Life 1.1.3 MacOS

Life 是一款创意节拍制作插件,让你能够轻松捕捉生活的每一个瞬间并立即创建节拍。你既可以使用配套的移动端应用 Life Field Recorder 录制视频、音频采样,也可以使用桌面端的 DAW Recorder 录制任何乐器、话筒或外接设备的声音。然后再导入到该插件中自动切片、处理并生成节拍。Life 的工作流程是使用机器学习模型精心设计的,支持节拍和声音的变化,以及密度、切分和对称控制等。

Life 支持 VST/AU/AAX 插件格式

File size: 396.58 MB

Life by XLN Audio lets you generate infinite beats with the unique sounds from your life’s favorite moments. Capture anything, anywhere, anytime with Life’s accompanying mobile Field Recorder and DAW Recorder apps.

In a world where ready-made presets and loops have made music-making a lot easier, it has also made music less personal. Life by XLN Audio enables you to easily capture your life moments and instantly create beats — adding life to your music.

Life from XLN Audio shortens the path from experiencing the moment to hearing it as beats in your music. Capture a dripping faucet, kitchen appliance, or amp crackle and it will instantly appear in the Life by XLN Audio plugin. The plugin automatically slices, processes, and generates beats so you can focus on capturing moments and creating beats…………

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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