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功能强大的合唱 – Soundiron Olympus Elements v1.5 KONTAKT (Player Edition)

 KONTAKT – 2,53 GB

Olympus Elements是一款功能强大的合唱乐器,适用于Native Instruments Kontakt Player,Komplete Kontrol和S系列键盘,它将我们庞大的63声级Olympus Symphonic Choir的核心功能和原始声音发挥到了紧凑而易于使用的界面中,丰富的功能,动态的可玩性和出色的声学效果。这个Powered by By Kontakt库是为每个人设计的,无论您是刚刚开始音乐职业还是经验丰富的专业人员。如果您想要一个声音优美,高效且用户友好的合唱团,而又没有复杂的抒情短语或独奏内容,那么这就是您一直在等待的虚拟乐器。

Olympus Elements包含用于所有8个核心元音发音的近距离混音麦克风位置:Ah,Ee,Eh,Ei,Ih,Mm,Oh和Oo。该合唱团是完全可配置的,可以独立控制男性和女性的divisi部分。通过pp-ff动态分层和智能循环,您会发现延音,断音和断奏。该合唱团具有巨大的前奏和柔滑的钢琴动态音色,为您提供完全的表现力控制和创作自由。我们还为您带来了我们最新升级的真ah&oo连奏延音,具有多达6个部分的和弦和声和流畅的音程整形。该库还具有各种经典的合唱效果,膨胀,扫奏,喊叫,耳语等等。每个预设都带有一系列出色的性能控制,EQ,50种自定义卷积环境和fx混响可供选择。当然,我们还加入了标志性的手工合唱氛围,打击垫和不断变化的音景,为您提供了更多的创意可能性。

Olympus Elements is a powerful choral instrument for Native Instruments Kontakt Player, Komplete Kontrol and S-Series Keyboards that puts the core functionality and raw sonic power of our massive 63-voice Olympus Symphonic Choir into a compact and easy-to-use interface, with rich features, dynamic playability and brilliant acoustics. This Powered-By-Kontakt library is designed for everyone, whether you’re just beginning your musical career or are a seasoned professional. If you want a glorious sounding, efficient and user-friendly choir without sophisticated lyrical phrasing or solo content, this is the virtual instrument you’ve been waiting for.
Olympus Elements contains the wide close stage blend microphone position for all 8 core vowel articulations: Ah, Ee, Eh, Ei, Ih, Mm, Oh and Oo. The choir is completely configurable, with independent control over male and female divisi sections. You’ll find sustains, staccatos and marcatos, with pp-ff dynamic layering and intelligent round robin. This choir packs a massive forte punch and velvety smooth piano dynamics, giving you complete expressive control and creative freedom. We also bring you our newly upgraded true ah & oo legato sustains, with up to 6-part polyphonic harmony and fluid interval shaping. The library also features a wide variety of classic choral effects, swells, sweeps, shouts, whispers and more. Each preset comes with an array of fine performance controls, EQ, 50 custom convolution environmental and fx reverbs to choose from. And of course, we’ve included our signature hand-crafted choral atmospheres, pads and evolving soundscapes to open up more creative possibilities.

Olympus Elements features a fully automatable custom user interface that allows for full control over sound shaping and performance. You’ll have full control over Swell, Attack, Release Time, Release Volume, Sample Start Offset and Panning for each choral section. Section note ranges are fully configurable, and keyswitches are available to quickly select between all the available articulations for each layer.
Every preset has access to over 50 integrated convolution reverb impulses and full 3-band Equalizer. Many presets also have an optional vibrato feature to simulate molto forte. We also offer our exclusive flexible legato system for up to 6-part polyphonic harmony (3 per section), with full interval range, speed and intensity control. Our Vowelmaster preset is the all-in-one solution, providing live sustain and staccato switching for any vowel for each section, with layer blending and stacking, dynamic shaping and total performance control. Elements also includes the latest version of our Phrasemaster, which gives you the power to sequence up to 16 different complex 16-step sustain/staccato phrases, using your choice of GUI, CC automation and keyswitch control. You can even assign each step to just the men, women or the full choir. The Phrasemaster is key-switch configurable and you can save and load your own custom phrases.
– Full Men’s and Women’s divisi sections, with freely adjustable note ranges
– All 8 major vowel sustains w/releases — Ah, Ee, Eh, Ei, Ih, Mm, Oh and Oo — available in both soft pp and forceful ff dynamics
– All 8 major vowel staccatos and marcatos: Ah, Ee, Eh, Ei, Ih, Mm, Oh and Oo with shaping and time-stretching options
– Advanced, configurable simulated legato for all vowel sustains
– True Divisi Legato for core Ah and Oo vowels, with fluid real-time pp-ff dynamic and vowel morphing
– All legato features adjustable interval speed, range, polyphony and intensity
– Large selection of vowel-based Choral FX from whispers to drones and clusters, with tuning, shaping and time-stretching options
– Vowelmaster preset gives quick access to both sustaining and staccato articulations for all vowels
– Phrasemaster preset allows up to 16 user-sequenced patterns with 16 steps each – supports live sustain/staccato and men/women/ensemble switching for each step!
– Offset, Attack & Release controls let you shape your own syllables, sustains and phrases
– Swell and Blend controls allow real-time dynamic performance shaping and morphing
– Release time and volume controls, to shape release accents and natural room decay
– Independent Pan controls for each divisi section
– Bonus Special FX presets for creating atmospheric pads and soundscapes
– Over 50 custom reverb impulses, including Halls, Cathedrals, Churches, Studios, Bunkers, Garages, Special FX and more
– Ensemble and Divisi Preset types with independent controls for each section, with dual layer blending, crossfading and vowel morphing
– 12 Bonus Atmospheric and Custom FX instrument presets

Works with Kontakt 5.5.1 or higher

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