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功能齐全的MP3软件 Zortam Mp3 Media Studio Pro 32.00 Multilingual WIN

File size: 73.9 MB

Zortam Mp3 Media Studio是多功能于一体的Mp3应用程序,包含Mp3 ID3标签组织者搜索和编录Mp3文件到Mp3库,编辑ID3v1和ID3v2.4标签(ID3标签编辑器-Mp3标签编辑器),CD开膛手与专辑封面艺术/歌词支持,使用CDDB(互联网光盘数据库),并自动写入ID3v1和ID3v2.4标签。

CD开膛手从互联网下载专辑封面艺术和歌词,因为你撕你的CD (CD开膛手与歌词/封面艺术支持),Mp3 Normalizer与自定义音量级别允许你的Mp3的规范化(批Mp3 Normalizer),搜索歌曲歌词从互联网(批抒情查找器),搜索专辑封面(专辑)艺术(图片)从互联网(批封面查找器),批歌词和封面艺术查找器从互联网(批歌词-封面查找器)。创建html格式的抒情书(封面图片包括)从ID3v2标签(抒情书),转换Wav到Mp3文件和Mp3到Wav文件(Wav/Mp3转换器),管理M3u播放列表(播放列表管理器),重命名文件使用ID3标签(Mp3重命名器),搜索重复的Mp3文件,(搜索重复的Mp3)。使用您最喜欢的Mp3播放器播放Mp3,将卡拉ok (Kar)和midi (Mid)文件直接添加到ID3标签(卡拉ok管理器),并将它们保存在Mp3文件中,并从单个Mp3文件………播放Mp3或Kar文件


Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is all-in-one Mp3 application that contains Mp3 ID3 Tag Organizer for searching and cataloguing Mp3 files into Mp3 library, editing ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags (ID3 Tag Editor-Mp3 Tag Editor), CD Ripper with album cover art/lyric support that uses CDDB (Internet Compact Disc Database) and automatically writes ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags.

CD Ripper downloads album cover arts and lyrics from the interenet as you rip your CD (CD Ripper with lyric/cover art support), Mp3 Normalizer with custom volume level allows normalization of your Mp3’s (Batch Mp3 Normalizer), search for song lyric from the internet (Batch Lyric Finder), search for album cover (album) arts (pictures) from the internet (Batch Cover Finder), batch lyrics and cover art finder from the internet (Batch Lyric-Cover Finder). Create lyric book in html format (cover pictures are included) from ID3v2 tags (Lyric Book), convert Wav to Mp3 files and Mp3 to Wav files (Wav/Mp3 Converter), manage M3u playlists (Playlist Manager), rename files using ID3 tags (Mp3 Renamer), search for duplicate Mp3 files, (Search Duplicate Mp3’s). Play Mp3’s using your favorite Mp3 player, add karaoke (Kar) and midi (Mid) files directly to ID3 tag (Karaoke Manager), and keep them together in Mp3 file and play either Mp3 or Kar file from the single Mp3 file………

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