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卡西欧数码吉他 – Puremagnetik Digitar MULTiFORMAT

Puremagnetik Digitar MULTiFORMAT | 540 Mb




作为一个Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt仪器或逻辑库的补充,Digitar肯定会添加一些独特的鼓舞人心的声音目录。





Ableton Push-ready宏编程

•Kontakt KSP接口



The world’s first MIDI guitar, the Casio Digital Guitar – hacked and circuit bent by Puremagnetik – can now be part of your studio. Dig into the sound bank of the DG series and crank up your session with one of the stranger musical inventions of the ‘80s.

Music tech of the ’80s runs the gamut from revolutionary digital synthesis to more experimental endeavors. The Casio Digital Guitar falls into the latter category and, although an oddball of music inventions we thought it cool and unique enough to create a sound pack.

The Casio Digital Guitar is a stringed guitar which translates the performance to the onboard computer and plays back the selected sound. Puremagnetik sampled all of the on-board sounds and also took the Digital Guitar’s resources a step further by circuit-bending the device for more glitch-tastic programs. Puremagnetik created some feedback loops, tweaked with the clock and injected voltage in places it shouldn’t be!

As an Ableton Live Pack, Kontakt Instrument or Logic Library addition, Digitar is certain to add something uniquely inspiring to your sound catalog.

• 20 multi-sampled Casio Digital Guitar programs
• 1 Drum Bank
• 20 Drum Loop Clips
• Ableton Push-ready macro programming
• Kontakt KSP Interface
• Apple Loops with extended SIAL format

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