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回声处理器 – PSPaudioware PSP Echo 1.5.0 WIN

File size: 21 MB

PSP Echo 是一款高质量的回声处理器。 PSP Echo 强大而不同寻常的功能与其流畅的操作相结合,使其成为各种创意用途的理想选择,从简单的回声和延音效果到乒乓延迟和宽敞的回声。

延迟滑块可用于添加特殊的磁带回声效果,以获得更独特的声音可能性。 磁带“哇”的控制和内置的闪避器进一步扩展了 PSP Echo 的创造潜力。

在内部,Echo 就像四个单声道磁带延迟的组合——两个用于初始乒乓预延迟,两个用于主立体声回声。 PSP Echo 包括一组非常有用的工厂预设,涵盖了混音中的广泛应用。


PSP Echo is a high quality echo processor. PSP Echo’s powerful and unusual features combined with its smooth operation makes it ideal for all kinds of creative uses from simple slap back and sustain effects to ping-pong delays and spacious echoes.

The delay sliders can be used to add special tape echo effects for even more unique sonic possibilities. The tape “wow” control and built in ducker further extend the creative potential of PSP Echo.

Internally, Echo is like a combination of four mono tape delays – two for the initial ping-pong pre-delay and two for the main stereo echo. PSP Echo includes a set of extremely useful factory presets that cover a wide range of applications in the mix.


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