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复古钢琴 – realsamples German Spinet 1767 Edition Germ. Nationalmuseum MULTiFORMAT

EXS24 | HAlion | KONTAKT – 919 MB

德国尖晶石 1767 图书馆是为数不多的保存完好的原始德国尖晶石之一; Johann Heinrich Silbermann 的美妙发声乐器。该乐器于 1767 年在斯特拉斯堡制造,具有钟形的高音响应、清晰的脉冲响应和浓郁的声音。大键琴位于纽伦堡的 Germanische Nationalmuseum,仍处于良好的演奏状态。


当重复演奏一个音符(例如演奏颤音)时,触发完全相同的样本会产生一种乏味和不愉快的印象。因此,我们用 8 个变体捕捉了每个音符。主要版本的声音对于乐器的全面印象也非常重要。每个音符记录了 4 个版本样本。

该乐器以其原始音高(413 Hz)捕获,也可以使用 440 Hz 的预设。 HALion®、Kontakt®(需要完整版)和 EXS24® 软件采样器的预设包括在内。

该库包含 700 多个单曲录音。

这些样本是在德国国家博物馆美丽的 Aufseß-Saal 录制的。对于录音,我们使用了德国制造商 DS-audioservice 的麦克风和前置放大器。录音以 192 kHz/24 位进行,下采样至 44.1 kHz。

除了样本之外,图书馆还包含德国国家博物馆的 Frank Bär 博士的德语文章,解释了该乐器的历史。尖晶石(库存编号 MINe 90)是博物馆购买的 Klavierhistorische Sammlung Neupert 的一部分。


The German Spinet 1767 library features one of the few preserved original German spinets; a beautiful sounding instrument by Johann Heinrich Silbermann. The instrument was built in Strasbourg in 1767 and features a bell-like treble response with clear impulse response and a full-bodied sound. Residing at the Germanische Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, the harpsichord remains in great playable condition.

Just like harpsichords, the instrument is not touch-sensitive like a piano. However, even if the differences are minuscule, not any given note will sound the same twice due to different resonances of body and strings.

When repeatedly playing a note (e.g. playing trills), triggering off the exact same sample will create a sterile and unpleasant impression. Therefore, we captured every note with 8 variations. The sounds of the key releases are also of major importance for a thorough impression of the instrument. Those were recorded with 4 release samples per note.

The instrument was captured in its original pitch (413 Hz), presets at 440 Hz are available as well. Presets are included for HAlion®, Kontakt® (full version required) and EXS24® software samplers.

The library contains more than 700 single recordings.

The samples were recorded at the beautiful sounding Aufseß-Saal of the Germanische Nationalmuseum. For the recording, we employed microphones and preamps by the German manufactory DS-audioservice. The recordings were conducted at 192 kHz/24 bits, downsampled to 44.1 kHz.

In addition to the samples, the library contains an essay in German by Dr. Frank Bär of the Germanische Nationalmuseum, explaining the history of the instrument. The spinet (inventory no. MINe 90) is part of the Klavierhistorische Sammlung Neupert which was bought by the museum.

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